Accessed on 10.03.2021
This law guidebook is a simplified summary of Kenyan disability policy, so that those who have disabilities or are associated with them can be aware of their rights. This guidebook is meant to be an introduction and a simple guide to Kenyan laws that concern people with disa...bilities. It must be noted that this guidebook is not comprehensive. If the reader wants to know more about a specific law, she or she should look it up. All of the laws and policies have been cited so the reader can find them in the respective legal documents.
The community-BFCI (c-BFCI) manual has been developed to facilitate training of CHVs and stakeholders providing nutrition sensitive services at community level. The manual covers a wide range of topics: basic nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, Breast Milk Substitutes Act, gro...wth monitoring and promotion, early childhood development and stimulation, household food and nutrition security and establishment of baby friendly communities.
The Rethabile positive parenting activity is being run by 4Children Lesotho with caregivers and teens ages 9 to 24 for the purpose of reducing harsh parenting practices (i.e., violence) and improving positive parenting practices. By promoting adult–child communication around topics such as HIV a...nd AIDS prevention, and exploring models of family-focused violence prevention and support, the program facilitates disclosure of HIV status, promotes greater treatment seeking and adherence, and helps to reduce HIV stigma.lesoth
Stop TB`s GDF provides a wide range of diagnostic equipment and laboratory supplies in its Diagnostics Catalog
We systematically reviewed Medline as well as the references of published review articles for relevant studies of adherence to multidrug treatment of both drug-susceptible and drug-resistant TB through February 3, 2018. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) as well as prospective and retro...spective cohort studies (CSs) with an internal or external control group that evaluated any adherence intervention and conducted a meta-analysis of their impact on TB treatment outcomes. Our search identified 7,729 articles, of which 129 met the inclusion criteria for quantitative analysis. Seven adherence categories were identified, including DOT offered by different providers and at various locations, reminders and tracers, incentives and enablers, patient education, digital technologies (short message services [SMSs] via mobile phones and video-observed therapy [VOT]), staff education, and combinations of these interventions.
Ключевые показатели наркопотребления за последние годы почти не изменились, но такая стабиль-ность скрывает серьезные перемены на рынках наркотиков. Помимо давно... существующих нарко-тиков, таких как героин и кокаин, расширяется потребление НПВ, а также употребление в немеди-цинских целях рецептурных препаратов (которые появляются либо в результате утечки с законного рынка, либо производятся незаконно). Также растет потребление веществ неясного происхождения, поставляемых через незаконные каналы. Такие вещества продаются под видом лекарств, но пред-назначаются для немедицинского употребления. Спектр доступных потребителям веществ и их комбинаций сейчас беспрецедентно широк.
Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017 Jun; 19(2): 93–107.
A Meand to enhancing HIV prevention in key populations. This document has been developed out of the increasing need to set up standards and procedures to prevent and respond to violence against key populations.
An integrated approach to health and human rights lies at the heart of ensuring the dignity and well-being of women living with HIV.
Цей посібник повністю відповідає рекомендаціям Міжвідомчого постійного комітету (IASC) та «Операційним рекомендаціям щодо психічного здоров’я та психосоціальної ...підтримки під час планування роботи з біженцями», які вимагають багатосекторної відповіді, спрямованої на вирішення проблем у сфері психічного здоров’я та соціальних наслідків гуманітарних надзвичайних станів і переміщення. Він також підтримує досягнення основної мети Комплексного плану дій ВООЗ у сфері психічного здоров’я на 2013–2020 рр., а саме — надання комплексних, інтегрованих спільнотних послуг у сфері психічного здоров’я та соціальної допомоги, які легко інтегрувати в поточну систему.
Fills a gap in current guidance on how to implement humanitarian standards in urban situations. In Arabic, English, French and Spanish available
54th directing council; 67th session of the regional Committee of WHO for the Americas
CD54/11, Rev. 1, 2 October 2015, Original: Spanish