Documentation des Meilleures Pratiques en Santé de la Reproduction au Bénin - Rapport Final
The review’s objectives are to review progress in TB control with emphasis on DOTS strategy implementation, summarize the experience, lessons learnt and methods of work and to make recommendations for international donors, technical agencies and the Ministry of Health.
"Manual intended for the setting up of public health programmes in disadvantaged areas, particularly in refugee and displaced persons camps, and in health structures."
This manual is for the beginner/intermediate and advanced EHA courses run by Channel Research on behalf of ALNAP. It is supported by a course specific set of case studies and exercises and by a bibliography of evaluation references
Structural, Non-structural and Functional Indicators
Practical hints are provided for mOPV1 storage and handling at the sub-district and health centre levels
Adapted from the 'Disability Task Force', this checklist provides useful guidelines about general protection and inclusion principles for people with disabilites or injuries in emergency situations. The following topics are highlighted: health, food and nutrition; water, sanitation and hygiene; prot...ection; psychosocial support; reconstruction and shelter; livelihoods; and education. This checklist would be useful for practitioners interested in the protection and inclusion of people with disabilities in emergency situations
This document shows the Clinical and Community Action to Address Postpartum Hemorrhage toolkit's Wall Chart on Estimating Blood Loss. Part 5 of the Toolkit.