Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Published: February 23, 2010
Volume 7 | Issue 2 | e1000235
SUI supporting material
• Person stories
• Role plays
• Multiple choice questions
• Video link
Activity 2: mhGAP SUI module – assessment and management
Health Services Insights Volume 10: 1–7
Session outline
•Introduction to epilepsy.
•Assessment of epilepsy.
•Management of epilepsy.
•Follow-up of a person with epilepsy.
•Review or materials and skills.
The National Strategic Plan is based on the following guiding principles:
1) Life-course approach: adolescence is a key decade in the course of life that influences the health outcomes later in life.
2) Comprehensive approach: It recognizes the cross cutting health and development needs o...f young people such as intentional and unintentional injuries and violence, SRH, HIV/AIDS, mental health, substance use, violence, substance use and substance use disorders, infectious diseases and common conditions.
3) Equity and rights-based approach: focusing on equitable access to services to all adolescents including vulnerable groups and the recognizing the need to move from aspirations to obligations in fulflling young people rights for the highest attainable standard of health.
4) Multisectoral approach: recognizing cognizant of the fact that holistic development of young people requires multisectoral approach involving education, social welfare.
Policy Brief, Updated in March 2017
Key messages
• Meaningful involvement of sex workers in the HIV response through peer-based education and outreach and consultation in policy making and programme planning is vital to reduce their vulnerability to HIV and other sexually transmitted inf...ections (STIs) and ensure that the challenges they face are addressed adequately.
• Sex workers (female, transgender and male) have the right to protect their health through accessing comprehensive and evidence-informed HIV and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) interventions.
• Innovative HIV prevention strategies and creative use of combination interventions are needed to reach mobile and ”hard to reach” sex workers.
This protocol provides information on the safe management of dead bodies and burial of patients who died from suspected or confirmed Ebola or Marburg virus disease. These measures should be applied not only by medical personnel but by anyone involved in the management of dead bodies and burial of su...spected or confirmed Ebola or Marburg patients.
Twelve steps have been identified describing the different phases Burial Teams have to follow to ensure safe burials, starting from the moment the teams arrive in the village up to their return to the hospital or team headquarters after burial and disinfection procedures.
Practical guidance on immunization services and the risks they present for both Ebola affected and non-affected countries. The specific purpose of this document is to assist countries to:
- Maintain immunization services and use immunization contacts and surveillance system as opportunities to ...educate and monitor for Ebola;
- Provide guidance on infection prevention and control during vaccination;
- Prepare where there is a potential risk of Ebola (e.g. border, etc.) and low immunization coverage, to implement activities to increase immunization coverage in these areas.