An Indicator-based Approach - This manual presents an indicator-based approach for rapidly assessing pharmaceutical management systems and programs. The manual contains a set of 46 indicators of performance, grouped under eight topics of pharmaceutical management, with each topic being covered by a ...subset of indicators. Thirty-four of the indicators are quantitative, that is, expressed as numbers. Twelve are qualitative, in that they describe the presence or absence of a policy or management system, and in some cases, the degree of implementation.
El objetivo de esta GPC es proporcionar recomendaciones para el tamizaje organizado
del CCR en el territorio nacional, permitiendo el acceso equitativo a medidas de
prevención y detección temprana de la enfermedad con el fin de disminuir la
incidencia y la mortalidad por el CCR en Argentina.... Esta guía está destinada a todos
aquellos trabajadores de la salud que desarrollen actividades de prevención del CCR.
La población objetivo incluye a aquellos individuos de riesgo promedio, sin
antecedentes personales ni familiares de CCR ni adenomas. Sin embargo, aquellos
individuos identificados con presencia de síntomas sospechosos de CCR, individuos
con incremento del riesgo para el desarrollo de esta enfermedad (síndrome de Lynch,
PAF, PAFA, poliposis hamartomatosas, síndrome de poliposis aserrada, EII, etc.) o con
antecedentes de resecciones de pólipos o adenomas, deberán ser priorizados en el
seguimiento o derivados a atención especializada consecuente, según las
recomendaciones vigentes.
Always talk to a GBV specialist first to understand what GBV services are available in your area. Some services may take the form of hotlines, a mobile app or other remote support.
Be aware of any other available services in your area. Identify services provided by humanitarian pa...rtners such as health, psychosocial support, shelter and non-food items. Consider services provided by communities such as mosques/ churches, women’s groups and Disability Service Organizations.
Remember your role. Provide a listening ear, free of judgment. Provide accurate, up-to-date information on available services. Let the survivor make their own choices. Know what you can and cannot manage. Even without a GBV actor in your area, there may be other partners, such as a child protection or mental health specialist, who can support survivors that require additional attention and support. Ask the survivor for permission before connecting them to anyone else. Do not force the survivor if s/he says no.
Do not proactively identify or seek out GBV survivors. Be available in case someone asks for support.
Remember your mandate. All humanitarian practitioners are mandated to provide non-judgmental and non-discriminatory support to people in need regardless of: gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability status, age, ethnicity/tribe/race/religion, who perpetrated/committed violence, and the situation in which violence was committed. Use a survivor-centered approach by practicing:
Respect: all actions you take are guided by respect for the survivor’s choices, wishes, rights and dignity.
Safety: the safety of the survivor is the number one priority.
Confidentiality: people have the right to choose to whom they will or will not tell their story. Maintaining confidentiality means not sharing any information to anyone.
Non-discrimination: providing equal and fair treatment to anyone in need of support.
If health services exist, always provide information on what is available. Share what you know, and most importantly explain what you do not. Let the survivor decide if s/he wants to access them. Receiving quality medical care within 72 hours can prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and within 120 hours can prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Provide the opportunity for people with disabilities to communicate to you without the presence of their caregiver, if wished and does not endanger or create tension in that relationship.
If a man or boy is raped it does not mean he is gay or bisexual. Gender-based violence is based on power, not someone’s sexuality.
Sexual and gender minorities are often at increased risk of harm and violence due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Actively listen and seek to support all survivors.
Anyone can commit an act of gender-based violence including a spouse, intimate partner, family member, caregiver, in-law, stranger, parent or someone who is exchanging money or goods for a sexual act.
Anyone can be a survivor of gender-based violence – this includes, but isn’t limited to, people who are married, elderly individuals or people who engage in sex work.
Protect the identity and safety of a survivor. Do not write down, take pictures or verbally share any personal/identifying information about a survivor or their experience, including with your supervisor. Put phones and computers away to avoid concern that a survivor’s voice is being recorded.
Personal/identifying information includes the survivor’s name, perpetrator(s) name, date of birth, registration number, home address, work address, location where their children go to school, the exact time and place the incident took place etc.
Share general, non-identifying information
To your team or sector partners in an effort to make your program safer.
To your support network when seeking self-care and encouragement.
Background: The human helminth infections include ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm infections, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis (LF) and onchocerciasis. It is estimated that almost 2 billion people worldwide are infected with helminths. Whilst the WHO treatment guidelines for helminth infecti...ons are mostly aimed at controlling morbidity, there has been a recent shift with some countries moving towards goals of disease elimination through mass drug administration, especially for LF and onchocerciasis. However, as prevalence is driven lower, treating entire populations may no longer be the most efficient or cost-effective strategy. Instead, it may be beneficial to identify individuals or demographic groups who are persistently infected, often termed as being “predisposed” to infection, and target treatment at them.
Methods: The authors searched Embase, MEDLINE, Global Health, and Web of Science for all English language, humanbased papers investigating predisposition to helminth infections published up to October 31st, 2017. The varying definitions used to describe predisposition, and the statistical tests used to determine its presence, are summarised. Evidence for predisposition is presented, stratified by helminth species, and risk factors for predisposition to infection are identified and discussed.
Results: In total, 43 papers were identified, summarising results from 34 different studies in 23 countries. Consistent evidence of predisposition to infection with certain species of human helminth was identified. Children were regularly found to experience greater predisposition to Ascaris lumbricoides, Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium than adults. Females were found to be more predisposed to A. lumbricoides infection than were males. Household clustering of infection was identified for A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and S. japonicum. Ascaris lumbricoides and T. trichiura also showed evidence of familial predisposition. Whilst strong evidence for predisposition to hookworm infection was identified, findings with regards to which groups were affected were considerably more varied than for other helminth species.
Conclusion: This review has found consistent evidence of predisposition to heavy (and light) infection for certain human helminth species. However, further research is needed to identify reasons for the reported differences between demographic groups. Molecular epidemiological methods associated with whole genome sequencing to determine ‘who infects whom’ may shed more light on the factors generating predisposition.
L’enquête SMART Rapide a été réalisée dans la commune de Fada N’Gourma, chef-lieu de la province du Gourma dans la région de l’Est. C’est la commune de la région qui accueille le plus de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) depuis le début de la crise sécuritaire (85 574 PDIs à la du 30 avril 2022)1 . Ces déplacées ont pour la plupart abandonnées leurs moyens d’existence et se retrouvent dans la précarité et sous l’assistance humanitaire et des populations hôtes.
La méthodologie SMART Rapide a été utilisé pour l’évaluation. Les secteurs/villages ont été sélectionnés par le logiciel ENA en utilisant la probabilité proportionnelle à la taille.
Quant aux ménages, ils ont été sélectionnés selon un processus de segmentation, d’échantillonnage aléatoire simple ou systématique. Les données ont été collectés du 13 au 15 juin 2022 par cinq équipes composées d’un chef d’équipe et d’un mesureur chacune. Les équipes ont été supervisées durant la collecte par des superviseurs. Les paramètres collectés étaient l’âge, le sexe, le poids, la taille, le périmètre brachial et la présence des œdèmes. Quatre grappes ont été inaccessibles due aux problèmes sécuritaires.
Au total, 24 grappes (avec l’utilisation des grappes de réserve), 235 ménages et 356 enfants ont été couverts. Les résultats montrent une prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë globale de 15,2% (11,2%-20,2%) selon le rapport poids/taille et 7,8% (5,0%-11,9%) selon le périmètre brachial. La malnutrition aiguë globale combinée est de 16,9% (12,9%-22,0%).
L’enquête a été réalisée dans la Commune de Dori, chef-lieu de la province du Seno dans la Région du Sahel. Suite à la crise sécuritaire qui prévaut au Burkina Faso depuis 2016, la commune de Dori a enregistré 66 7981 personnes déplacées à la date du 30 Avril 2022. Ce chiffre est le p...lus élevé dans la province du Séno. Les déplacées ont été contraints d’abandonner leurs moyens d’existence, font face à la précarité, bénéficient de l’assistance gouvernementale, des acteurs humanitaires et des populations hôtes.
Il s’agit d’une SMART Rapide. Les secteurs/villages ont été sélectionnés par le logiciel ENA en utilisant la probabilité proportionnelle à la taille. Quant aux ménages, ils ont été sélectionnés selon un processus de segmentation et d’échantillonnage aléatoire simple ou systématique.
Les données ont été collectées du 13 au 15 Juin 2022 par 5 équipes composées d’un chef et d’un mesureur chacune. Les équipes ont été supervisées durant toute la collecte. Les paramètres collectés étaient l’âge, le sexe, le poids, la taille, le périmètre brachial et la présence des œdèmes. Trois grappes ont été inaccessibles due aux problèmes sécuritaires et les trois grappes de réserves prévues à cet effet ont été utilisées.
Au total 25 grappes, 245 ménages, et 246 enfants ont été enquêtés. Les résultats montrent une prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë globale de 19,8 % (IC 95 % ; 14,7 - 26,1) selon le rapport poids/taille) et 5,3 % (IC 95 % : 3,0 - 9,1) selon le périmètre brachial. La malnutrition aiguë globale combinée est de 22,4 % (IC 95 % : 17,3 - 28,5).
This factsheet describes the work and activities of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Mozambique as well as its impact in this country.
This report highlights the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Zimbabwe towards contributing to the triple billion targets in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs
The Operational guide: use of referral laboratories for the analysis of foodborne hazards in the Pacific aims to strengthen the food analysis capacity of Pacific Island countries and areas by identifying national and reference laboratories capable of testing for priority foodborne hazards. The Pacif...ic Island countries and areas are often vulnerable to food safety incidents and emergencies due to their geographical distribution and dependence on food imports. The guide outlines key considerations for selecting referral laboratories and submitting samples to them, enabling continuous improvement of food safety systems and providing safe food for all. The target audiences are health and food safety authorities.