Public Report
PQMC 0003-003-00 WHO PQMC PR June/2015, version 2.0
This document provides guidance to EU/EEA Member States on environmental cleaning in healthcare and non-healthcare settings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A manual on homemade masks
This guide is designed to provide a simple outline of best practices to make, use and reuse masks to enable NGOs and individuals to self-create such masks and accelerate widespread adoption of masks across India.
The key criteria for proposed designs are:
Ease of Ac...cess to Materials
Easy of Making at Home
Ease of Use and Reuse
Wearing of masks is especially recommended for people living in densely populated areas across India
This Checklist is to minimize healthcare provider exposure when operating on COVID+ or suspected patient.
This document is a practical guide to the management of burn injuries for healthcare professionals everyhwere who are non-burn specialistsi
The Lancet Planetary Health Volume 6, ISSUE 5, e388-e390, May 01, 2022. As the Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment turns 50, the role of the health stakeholder community in forward-looking environmental agendas is more important than ever. Breathing air, drinking water, and eating food i...s a daily requirement for healthy human bodies. These basic needs inextricably link human health to the health of our environment. Hence, core elements of the global environmental movement were built on concern for the negative impact of pollution on human and ecosystem health.
This document complements the WREC Waste Management and Recycling Assessment Guidance and can be used by humanitarian partners to assess waste management and recycling facilities through site visits. It is complemented by an Annex listing hazardous and non-hazardous waste types.
Description illustrée des étapes et précautions nécessaires pour prélever la salive d'un patient décédé et suspecté d'être infecté par le virus Ebola: avant d'entrer dans la chambre du patient, les équipements de protection individuelle, la réalisation d'un écouvillonnage oral, la pré...paration du tube de collecte pour le transport, enlever les équipements de protection individuelle.