SCOPING QUESTION: In adults with established status epilepticus (i.e., seizures persisting after the first-line treatment with benzodiazepines [or benzodiazepines-resistant status epilepticus]), which anti-epileptic medications are associated with cessation of seizures and reduced adverse effects)?
Journal of The Association of Physicians of India, Vol. 63 November 2015,, pp.77-96
Au Burkina Faso, les personnes vivant avec le VIH (PvVIH) ont régulièrement recours à des substances naturelles pour traiter certaines infections opportunistes. C’est ainsi que le suc des feuilles fraîches de Mitracarpus scaber Zucc. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Rubiaceae) et de Senna alata (L.) R...oxb. (Fabaceae) sont utilisés comme antimycosiques. En ce qui concerne le zona et les poussées herpétiques, les feuilles fraîches de Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn. (Euphorbiaceae), la sève de Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae), le gel de Aloe buettneri Berger (Liliaceae) et la galle de Guiera senegalensis J.F. Gmel. (Combretaceae), sont les drogues végétales les plus utilisées. Des substances naturelles sont également recommandées par les tradipraticiens de santé pour la récupération immunologique et nutritionnelle, le traitement précoce de l’infection à VIH et la réduction des effets secondaires des traitements ARV (antirétroviral). Il s’agit respectivement pour les plus importantes d’entre elles, des feuilles de Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae), de la pulpe du fruit de Detarium microcarpum Guill. & Perr. (Fabaceae), de la spiruline et du pollen issu de la ruche.
Les substances naturelles pouvant avoir une interaction avec les traitements conventionnels et plus particulièrement avec les médicaments ARV, les plantes contenant des tanins catéchiques, des dérivés 1,8 hydroxyanthracéniques laxatifs et des molécules hépatotropes ou inductrices enzymatiques, sont classées à risque, et leur utilisation par les PvVIH est étroitement surveillée.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a natural phenomenon in which microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites adapt to antimicrobial agents and cause medications to be ineffective for its curing purpose. AMR is often the consequence of any use o...f antimicrobial drugs, exacerbated by inappropriate use.
The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) is concerned about inaccurate information being distributed through traditional and social media regarding prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
A recent study informed that ivermectin was successfully used in vitro for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in experimentally infected cells and two preprint publications on observational clinical studies reported the apparent utility of ivermectin to treat patients with COVID-19 needing mechanical venti...lation. However, neither of these studies were peer-reviewed nor formally published and one of them was later retracted.
Communicating effectively allows us to clearly mark risks and measure patient safety limits.
How to take your TB medicine in Kreyol ayisyen
Keep taking your TB medicine in Kreyol ayisyen
This Knowledge and Skills reference guide to support professional desvelopment in diabetes is intendet to help pharmacists with the increasingly necessary competencies they may have to acquire in managing patients with diabetes. There roles range from prevention and acreening to clinical management.... Some barriers and regulations may prevent pharmacists in some countries from performing certain services as outlined in the diabetes handbookor listed in this guide, but the incorporation of pharmacists into multidisciplinary diabetes care teams shouldalways be strongly considered by clinicians and health policymakers. By expanding the full potential of pharmacists in the delivery of diabetes care and associated services, weg et closer to offering optimal health services to patients making sure that no one is left behind.
Ein Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf gegen Chagas, eine tödliche Krankheit, die weltweit 6-7 Millionen Infizierte bedroht. Inklusive Interviews mit internationalen Experten und einem Besuch in Argentinien, wo eine Koalition von Ärzten, mobilen medizinischen Einsatz- und Aufklärungsteams sowohl die ...Landbevölkerung, die kaum Zugang zur richtigen Diagnose, Behandlung und Medizin hat, als auch Stadtbewohner untersucht und versorgt.
This document focuses on the management of patients affected by gambiense HAT and
constitutes an update to the WHO therapeutic guidance issued in 2013. The main changes in recommendations concern the criteria and methods for deciding the treatment among the new set of therapeutic options and the pa...rticular conditions that apply to treatment with fexinidazole, as outlined below. Because HAT is a serious, life-threatening disease and because the efficacy of fexinidazole depends on swallowing the medicine after an appropriate intake of food as well as on completing the full 10-day
treatment schedule, the recommendations regarding fexinidazole administration are considered key elements that must be carefully followed. When the conditions listed in these guidelines are not met for any individual patient, the alternative available treatments should be prescribed.
Les progrès remarquables réalisés dans la lutte contre la forme à T. b. gambiense reposent sur le dépistage et le traitement curatif, une stratégie qui interrompt la transmission en réduisant le réservoir de parasites chez l’être humain. Parfois, cette
approche a été combinée avec des... activités de lutte antivectorielle. L’objet de ces lignes directrices est donc de la plus haute importance pour la poursuite des progrès en vue de l’élimination de la THA.
Treatment of second-stage gambiense human African trypanosomiasis relied on toxicarsenic-based derivatives for over 50 years. The availability and subsequent use of eflornithine,initially in monotherapy and more recently in combination with nifurtimox (NECT), has drasticallyimproved the pro...gnosis of treated patients. However, NECT logistic and nursing requirementsremain obstacles to its deployment and use in peripheral health structures in rural sub-SaharanAfrica. Two oral compounds, fexinidazole and SCYX-7158, are currently in clinical development.The main scope of this article is to discuss the potential impact of new oral therapies to improvediagnosis-treatment algorithms and patients’access to treatment, and to contribute to reach theobjectives of the recently launched gambiense humanAfrican trypanosomiasis elimination program
Full Perscribing information on Fexinidazole Tablet for oral use
Fexinidazole Tablets are indicated for the treatment of both the first-stage (hemolymphatic) and second-stage (meningoencephalitic) human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) due to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in pati...ents 6 years of age and older and weighing at least 20 kg.
Limitations of Use
Due to the decreased efficacy observed in patients with severe second stage HAT (cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count (CSF-WBC) >100 cells/μL) due to T. brucei gambiense disease, Fexinidazole Tablets should only be used in these patients if there are no other available treatment options [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)]