This guide presents information about the 2030 Agenda, how it connects to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and explores potential entry points for persons with disabilities to influence and participate in their implementation, follow-up and review
This guide presents information about the 2030 Agenda, how it connects to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and explores ways for persons with disabilities to be influential and participate in how they are achieved.
Lessons learnt from the ADCAP programme | This guide shares good practices and challenges that have emerged through the experience of the Age and Disability Capacity Programme (ADCAP) implementing partners, in embedding inclusion of older people and people with disabilities within their humanitaria...n policies and practices. All mainstream and specialist organisations engaged in humanitarian responses can learn and benefit from this experience. This guide complements the ‘Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities’ (see Appendix 4), by documenting practices that will help humanitarian organisations to systematically include older people and people with disabilities.
The rapid arrival of millions of asylum seekers and migrants in Europe in 2015–16 forced cities both large and small to rethink their approach to immigrant inclusion.
This one-day consultation workshop brought together both organizations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) and humanitarian actors to:-Identify priority areas for gender mainstreaming and GBV prevention and response across the Guidelines.-Collect useful resources, promising practices and other relev...ant information for gender and GBV actors to be integrated into the Guidelines.-Map opportunities for gender and GBV actors in the region to contribute to later phases of the Guidelines development and roll-out process.
General tips:
1- Make sure to assign a staff member to be the focal point to support persons with disabilities in every location/project. (The focal point should know the evacuation procedures).
2- The focal point should coordinate the evacuation and support persons with disabilities in case of an... evacuation/emergency.
3- Communicate clearly verbally and through other communication channels who the focal point is and support options available.
4- Make sure persons with disabilities/older persons are prioritized during evacuation.
5- Always inform everyone about the availability of specific services -remember that not all disabilities are visible.
6- Don’t make assumptions about the needs and priorities of persons with disabilities - Always ask them.
7- Make sure persons with disabilities/older persons are regularly updated and informed about the situation using different communication methods.
8- Look at the place/environment and think about other barriers persons with disabilities might face and address them.
9- Make sure that persons with disabilities, older persons, and those with sever medical conditions are identified when registering new arrivals or when doing door-to-door registration.
This document contains guidance for strengthening the disability inclusiveness of MHPSS responses and programmes in emergency settings. It is intended to supplement the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (2007).
Overall Objective
To consider and add...ress the mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) requirements of persons living in emergency settings with all types of disabilities on an equal basis to the MHPSS requirements of all persons, using a human rights-based approach and implementing social-ecological frameworks.
Equity and inclusion are important principles in policy development and implementation. The aim of this study is to explore the extent to which equity and inclusion were considered in the development of Malawi’s National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy and Implementation Plan.
We applied an analytical methodology to review the Malawi’s National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy and Implementation Plan using the EquIPP (Equity and Inclusion in Policy Processes) tool. The EquIPP tool assesses 17 Key Actions to explore the extent of equity and inclusion.
The development of the Malawi National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy and Implementation Plan was informed by a desire to promote the rights, opportunities and wellbeing of persons with disability in Malawi. The majority (58%) of the Key Actions received a rating of three, indicating evidence of clear, but incomplete or only partial engagement of persons with disabilities in the policy process. Three (18%) of the Key Actions received a rating of four indicating that all reasonable steps to engage in the policy development process were observed. Four (23%) of the Key Actions received a score five indicating a reference to Key Action in the core documents in the policy development process.
The development of disability policies and associated implementation strategies requires equitable and inclusive processes that consider input from all stakeholders especially those whose wellbeing depend on such policies. It is pivotal for government and organisations in the process of policy or strategy development and implementation, to involve stakeholders in a virtuous process of co-production – co-implementation – co-evaluation, which may strengthen both the sense of inclusion and the effectiveness of the policy life-cycle.
In many countries, people with disabilities still face multiple barriers when accesing health services. This case study details the challenges encountered on the way, the lessons drawn from it and achievements to date. You could also download a long version:
The Minimum Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action inform the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programmes across all sectors and phases of response, and in all emergency contexts, ensuring older people and people with disabilities are not e...xcluded.
International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) 2013 | 7th – 12th December | Cape Town, South Africa
Submitted to The Lesotho National Federation of Disabled (LNFOD)
Q12. SCOPING QUESTION: In people with psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, are recovery-oriented strategies enhancing vocational and economic inclusion (such as supported employment) feasible and effective?
Last update: 2 April 2020