Around the world, approximately 1 in 45 children are on the move – nearly 50 million boys and girls that have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced within their own countries.1 Climate-related events
and their impacts are already contributing significantly to these staggering numbers...,with 14.7 million people facing new internal displacement as a result of weather-related disasters in 2015 alone. The annual average
since 2008 is higher still, at 21.5 million, equivalent to almost 2,500 people being displaced every single day.2
Куріння, вживання алкоголю та наркотичних речовин серед підлітків, які навчаються: поширення й тенденції в Україні : За результатами дослідження 2015 року в рамках м...жнародного проекту «Європейське опитування учнів щодо вживання алкоголю та інших наркотичних речовин – ESPAD»
Adopted by the Twenty-sixth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the OAU, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - July 1990
Adoptée par la Vingt-Sixième Conférence de Chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement de l’OUA,Addis Abéba (Ethiopie) - Juillet 1990
December 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 12 | e82027
Dieser Leitfaden soll ambulant tätige Ärztinnen und Ärzten in der für diese Klärung erforderlichen qualifizierten Gesprächsführung sowie in derkorrespondierenden, krisentauglichen Dokumentation unterstützen. Dazu werden nach einer Vorbemerkung (II.) Hinweise zur Therapiezielklärung (III.), ...zur Einschätzung der Prognose (IV.) und zur Ermittlung des Patientenwillens (V.) gegeben. Eine Priorisierung (Triage) wegen der Knappheit intensivmedizinischer Ressourcen ist Aufgabe der stationären Intensivmedizin und sollte im ambulanten Bereich vermieden werden (VI.)
There is a crucial need to initiate and sustain fistula programs that increase access and strengthen the capacity of the health care system to provide high quality services for repair and care of women living with female genital fistula. Therefore, it is important to pay particular attention to the ...quality of training, and to proactively determine how this training fits into the health care system. Furthermore, the quality of training is improved by committing adequate resources to ensure competent trainers, able to train and follow-up their trainees. Women with genital fistulae, their families and the community need to have confidence in the health care system. It is therefore necessary to have pro-active discussions about the quality of training with relevant stakeholders. These fistula training guidelines and standards go towards harmonizing the training approach and to improving the quality of training and hence, service delivery.
Sepsis remains a leading cause of mortality and morbidity, especially during the first five days of life and in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) [1]. Hospital infection also remains a major cause of mortality in children despite progress encountered in the last decades.
Manual of Operations
First Edition 2016
Ghana's attempt to regulate health care waste management started in 2002 with the development of guidelines on health care waste manage-ment by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In 2006, the Ministry of Health developed the health care waste policy and guidelines. This guidance document im...proved health care waste management in the country.
With support from the UNDP-GEF medical waste management project, the Ministry of He lth has revised the existing National Health Care Waste Management (HCWM), policy and guideline, 2006 and has produced two separate documents- A National Health Care Waste Management Policy and a National Guideline for Health Care Waste Management
countrywide. This policy is replacing the 2006 policy and introduces new technical and administrative policy issues to enhance waste management in health care facilities.
Here you can find the latest situation reports
Partout dans le monde, les sociétés ont produit, adapté et fait évoluer leur habitat pour répondre au mieux à leurs besoins et
aspirations, et ce en faisant le meilleur usage des ressources naturelles disponibles localement et en développant leurs propres
capacités. Les stratégies qui e...n résultent, à la fois techniques, architecturales ou encore sociales, tirent le meilleur parti de
l’environnement local tout en se protégeant de ses aléas. Il résulte de ce processus un corpus de connaissances locales uniques,
riches et variées
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
This study shows the importance of an integrated entomological and medical surveillance for the evaluation of arboviral disease risk, which is a precondition for designing cost-effective vector control programs.
Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, is a disease caused by parasitic worms that require two hosts: humans and certain species of snails. There are two forms of the disease, namely, intestinal schistosomiasis, caused by Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum, and urogenital schistosomiasis, cause...d by S. haematobium. There are less common schistosome species in some parts of the world, e.g. S. mekongi and S. intercalatum. Schistosomiasis ranks second only to malaria as the most common parasitic disease worldwide.