Recommandations provisoires.
Néanmoins, les femmes enceintes atteintes d’une maladie à virus Ebola évolutive et celles ayant survécu à une telle maladie sans perdre l’enfant à naître sont susceptibles de transmettre le virus pendant l’accouchement et/ou la prise en charge des éventuel...les complications obstétricales
This interim guidance has been updated with advice on safe and appropriate home care for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and on the public health measures related to the management of their contacts.
Interim guidance, 12 August 2020This interim guidance has been updated with advice on safe and appropriate home care for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and on the public health measures related to the management of their contacts.
Lignes directrices provisoires, 13 août 2020
L’OMS a établi cette brève note d’information pour répondre au besoin de recommandations sur la prestation sûre de soins à domicile aux patients présumés atteints de l’infection par le nouveau coronavirus (2019-nCoV) présentant des symptô...mes bénins, et sur les mesures de santé publique liées à la prise en charge des contacts asymptomatiques.
The processes and procedures that are applied upon the entry into Germany of unaccompanied
minors, do not always follow any one precisely prescribed model that remains
consistent throughout Germany. Apart from the asylum procedure and some aspects of
border control, the reception of UNAMs is a re...sponsibility of the 16 German Länder, which,
on their part, delegate certain duties to districts (Landkreise), cities and local communities.
Depending on the Federal State in which an unaccompanied minor is apprehended, procedures
can therefore differ substantially in relation.
The household transmission investigation is a case-ascertained prospective study of all identified household contacts of a laboratory confirmed 2019-nCoV infection (see 2.2 Study population). It is intended to provide rapid and early information on the clinical, epidemiological and virological chara...cteristics of 2019-nCoV.
There are three primary objectives of this household transmission study:
To better understand the extent of transmission within a household by estimating the secondary infection rate for household contacts at an individual level, and factors associated with any variation in the secondary infection risk.
To characterize secondary cases including the range of clinical presentation, risk factors for infection, and the extent and fraction of asymptomatic infections.
To characterize serologic response following confirmed 2019-nCoV infection (highly encouraged, but optional depending on laboratory capacity and resources)
Contact tracing is a key element of WHO’s recommended approach to control the spread of COVID-19 by breaking the chains of human-to-human transmission.
This document provides guidance to health authorities at all levels to improve the success rate of contact tracing by informing efforts with RCCE... principles, evidence and activities, and provides ready-to-use tools for professionals involved in contact-tracing efforts to inform their practices with RCCE principles and likewise improve their success rate.
Complete for contact of a confirmed Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case
The animation follows the story of a contact tracer, Mariam, as she goes about her work – visiting those who have come into contact with a sick Ebola patient, finding those who are showing symptoms, and arranging appropriate care for those who need it. The film will be used by the Government of Gu...inea and UNFPA in Guinea; and it is freely available in English and French for anyone to download and use, in both standard and mobile formats.
Social distancing is an action taken to minimise contact with other individuals; social distancing measures comprise one category of non-pharmaceutical countermeasures (NPCs)1 aimed at reducing disease transmission and thereby also reducing pressure on health services.
This document builds upon exi...sting ECDC documents, including guidelines for the use of non-pharmaceutical measures to delay and mitigate the impact of 2019-nCoV, a rapid risk assessment: outbreak of novel coronavirus disease – 5th update, a technical report on the use of evidence in decision-making during public health emergencies, and a guidance document on community engagement for public health events caused by communicable disease threats in the EU/EEA.
En este módulo, aprenderá sobre investigaciones de contactos de tuberculosis (TB).
A las personas que han estado expuestas a un caso* de enfermedad de tuberculosis infecciosa se las conoce como “contactos de tuberculosis”. Una investigación de contactos de tuberculosis consiste en una estrat...egia
de control de la tuberculosis que se utiliza para identificar, buscar y evaluar contactos de tuberculosis y proporcionar el tratamiento apropiado para la infección de tuberculosis latente (ITBL) o para la enfermedad de tuberculosis, si fuera necesario. Las investigaciones eficaces de contactos interrumpen la propagación de la tuberculosis en las comunidades y ayudan a prevenir los brotes de tuberculosis.
Para obtener información más detallada, consulte el material de los Centros
para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC): Pautas para la investigación de los contactos de personas con tuberculosis infecciosa (Guidelines for the Investigation of Contacts of Persons with Infectious
Tuberculosis), disponible en el sitio web de los CDC (
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is intended to prevent contact with the infectious agent, or body fluid that may contain the infectious agent, by creating a barrier between the worker and the infectious material. Gloves protect the hands, gowns or coveralls protect the skin and/or clothing, mask...s and respirators protect the mouth and nose, and face shields protect the entire face.
Comprehensive Training Videos
Physical and social distancing measures are associated with limiting contact between people during disease outbreaks. These measures when applied are often enhanced by lockdowns or shutdowns as part of broader risk communication and community engagement strategies to halt the transmission of disease... outbreaks.
Brief instructions for the diagnostic of specimens coming from suspected plague cases and exposed contacts, including recommendations for diagnostic confirmation
This is a case-ascertained prospective investigation of all identified health care contacts working in a health care facility in which a laboratory confirmed 2019-nCoV infected patient (see 2.2 Study population) receives care. Note that this study can be done in health care facilities at all 3 level...s of a health system – not just in hospitals. It is intended to provide epidemiological and serologic information which will inform the identification of risk factors 2019-nCoV infection among health care workers.
There are three primary objectives of this investigation among health care workers in a health care setting where a 2019-nCoV infected patient is being cared for:
To better understand the extent of human-to-human transmission among health care workers, by estimating the secondary infection rate1 for health care worker contacts at an individual level.
To characterize the range of clinical presentation of infection and the risk factors for infection among health care workers.
To evaluate effectiveness of infection prevention and control measures among health care workers
To evaluate effectiveness of infection prevention and control programmes at health facility and national level
Scabies is a skin infection that is a result of direct skin to skin contact and is primarily mediated by close and extended contact with scabies infested person. Scabies occurs worldwide among people of all ages, races, genders and social classes and has been identified as a neglected tropical infec...tious disease. Globally, it affects more than 130 million people at any time.