A community-based approach.
These guidelines focus on manmade rather than natural disasters, but our experiences in India, El Salvador and Pakistan (earthquake interventions), and following the 2004 tsunami, cyclone Nargis in 2008 and the Haiti earthquake in 2010, showed that the principles describ...ed also work well in contexts of natural disasters.
Disease outbreak news, 21 November 2019
Information booklet on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Who develops PTSD? What are the symptoms of PTSD? Why do some people develop PTSD and other people do not? How is PTSD Treated? How can I hep a friend or relative who has PTSD? How can I help mysel...f? Where can I go for help? What if I know someone in crisis? Next Steps for PTSD Research.
J Hepatol (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2017.03.021
This manual is both a guide to treatment and a workbook for persons who suffer from genalized anxiety disorder.
Q6: In individuals with psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia) who require long term antipsychotic treatment, are anticholinergic medications more effective in preventing or reducing extrapyramidal side-effects and/or improving treatment adherence than placebo/treatment as usual?
This brochure is designed to help people who have experienced traumatic events and their families.
Available in 10 languages: albanian, arabic, german, french, english, serbian/bosnian/croatian, farsi, tamil, tigrinya, turkish. For other versions check: https://www.redcross.ch/de/shop/gesundheit-...und-integration/wenn-das-vergessen-nicht-gelingt
with recommended essential medicines for common diseases in patients in Stockholm County Council (Healthcare Region), Sweden
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents occurs as a result of a child’s exposure to one or more traumatic events: actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence. The victim may experience the event, witness it, learn about it from close family members or fr...iends, or experience repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the event. Potentially traumatic events include physical or sexual assaults, natural disasters, and accidents.
NSW Disaster Mental Health Handbook 4
The Disaster Mental Health Manual and associated handbooks are intended as a resource for mental health staff who are seeking background information and practical guidance and resources to assist in a disaster mental health response.