Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов
Parenting tips
Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов
Parenting tips
Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов
Parenting tips
Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов
Parenting tips
Инфографики для населения
Talking about the virus with children of different ages: helpful tips
Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов
Parenting tips
Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов
Parenting tips
Воспитание детей при COVID-19
Советы родителям по воспитанию и мероприятия для всех возрастов
Parenting tips
The Feedback Starter-Kit responds to key questions ( ) and provides the most important tips ( ) for setting up and running a simple feedback mechanism. At the end of this document there is an overview of the templates needed to plan the mechanism and collect, answer, analyse and share community feed...back data. These templates contain the necessary basic elements to implement and run a feedback mechanism.
Operational Guidelines.
Guidelines for the development of educational programmes for MHM, including tips on the topics to address and methods to assess girls’ practices in a respectful way with practical tools
Here’s an easy to follow visual guide for all you need to know about diabetes including its signs, causes, risk factors, complications and tips to manage the condition.
Pocket guide to show the positive impact that physical activity can have on your own mental wellbeing, including some tips and suggestions to help you get started.
There are many reasons why physical activity is good for your body having a healthy heart and improving your joints and bones are just ...two, but did you know that physical activity is also beneficial for your mental health and wellbeing
Webinars in Russian (playlist on YouTube)
The science behind the virus, and at what tricks statistics can play with journalists
What does COVID mean for small media outlets?
COVID coverage 101
Tips & tricks for turning your viewers into loyal users
Working with scientific... information
How news organizations should respond to COVID-19
The package provides practical, concise yet crucial information about the impact of COVID-19 on daily teaching practices as well as tips and suggestions to improve safety, well-being and learning, with students in face-to-face or remote settings.
The package speaks directly to the teachers. It ca...n be adapted to their context and can be completed at the teachers’ own pace. It includes quizzes and a self-evaluation and planning tool to help teachers reflect on what they learned and what they still need to learn, encouraging them to keep learning!
The package provides practical, concise yet crucial information about the impact of COVID-19 on daily teaching practices as well as tips and suggestions to improve safety, well-being and learning, with students in face-to-face or remote settings.
The package speaks directly to the teachers. It ca...n be adapted to their context and can be completed at the teachers’ own pace. It includes quizzes and a self-evaluation and planning tool to help teachers reflect on what they learned and what they still need to learn, encouraging them to keep learning!
After a disaster, it is important to take care of your emotional health.
Pay attention to how you and your family members are feeling and
Taking care of your emotional health will help you think clearly and
react to urgent needs to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Follow these tips... to help you and your family recover or find support.
Antibiotics are only needed for treating certain infections caused by bacteria. Viral illnesses cannot be treated with antibiotics. When an antibiotic is not prescribed, ask your healthcare professional for tips on how to relieve symptoms and feel better.
Key facts about major deadly diseases.This manual provides concise and up-to-date knowledge on 15 infectious diseases that have the potential to become international threats, and tips on how to respond to each of them.
You can download an interactive version directly at the website
The CDAC Network commissioned a practice guide to draw both on their experiences and many others’ in order to document approaches, practices and tools to working with rumors. It is aimed primarily at humanitarian programme managers and field staff to provide them with practical tips on how to work... with rumors in their response programs in a way that is achievable amid competing demands.
Part One focuses on some of the theory behind rumors: the definition, nature and importance of rumors, and why we need to work with them.
Part Two explains the key steps and considerations to identifying and addressing rumous: listening, verifying and engaging.
Part Three examines different roles and responsibilities in working with rumous, and how anticipation, coordination and partnerships can enhance what you do.
This booklet avises on how to deal with unexpected emotions; changes in family routines and the relationship with the patient; Offers helpful tips on how to advocate for the patient within the health system and the community; Helps caregivers know what to expect when the end of life is near; Gi...ves tips on how to ask others for help; self-care.