Gäbe/, U., Rut M., Schaür, M., Odenwald, F. & Neuner, F. (2006}. Prävalenz der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung {PTSD} und Möglichkeiten der Ermittlung in der Asylverfahrens praxis. Zeitschriftfür Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 35 (1), 12-20; Rut M., Schaür, M. & Elbe...rt, T. (2010}. Prävalenz von traumatischen Stresserfahrungen undseelischen Erkrankungen bei in Deutschland lebenden Kindern von Asylbewerbern. Zeitschriftfür Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 39 {3}, 151-160; eigene Darstellung der BPtK.
Vol 5 No 27 | ISSN 2039-2117 (online) | ISSN 2039-9340 (print) | The rate of sexual victimization of mentally retarded children is alarming and it goes unnoticed because the perpetrators could be parents, step- parents, relatives, well-respected individuals by family members, neighbours and educator...s. Drawing from labelling theory that the mentally retarded have low IQ, majority of perpetrators tend not to get arrested because of lack of evidence. Research indicates that educators struggle to identify the psychological, behavioural and physical symptoms of sexual abuse owing to their limited training. Having employed systematic review as methodology, this research study found that mentally retarded children are prone to HIV/AIDS, PTSD and feelings of helplessness owing to uninvolvement of parents, dysfunctional communities, poverty and their inability to differentiate between abuse and affection. Based on the findings, the recommendations are that: (1) extensive training for professionals, families and community members be executed to protect children with intellectual disability. Furthermore, the rights of the mentally retarded children must be respected in the court of law when reporting sexual abuse.
Background: Evidence based treatment interventions for young people with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and trauma histories is lacking. Although case formulation (CF) has been widely regarded in cognitive behavioural therapy manuals as beneficial, there is limited empirical research examining how cl...ients and therapists experience the process. Aim: This study aimed to explore young people’s reactions to CF in treatment for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and FEP
Information für hauptamtliche und freiwillige Mitarbeitende,die mit traumatisierten Geflüchteten zusammentreffen.
Das Ambulatorium für Folter- und Kriegsopfer SRK hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bayerischen Roten Kreuz eine Informationsbroschüre für hauptamtliche oder freiwillige Personen erstel...lt, die mit traumatisierten Geflüchteten zusammentreffen. Der Informationsbedarf zu Trauma und Traumafolgestörungen hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Die neue Broschüre beschreibt in einer verständlichen Sprache die Entstehung von Traumafolgestörungen und gibt Tipps und Hinweise zum Umgang mit traumatisierten Geflüchteten. Sie soll helfen, für die Hintergründe von Traumata und für uns allenfalls unübliche Verhaltensweisen traumatisierter Personen zu verstehen und einzuordnen und unser eigenes Verhalten entsprechend anzupassen.
Die Broschüre ist eine Ergänzung zur 2012 erstmals aufgelegten Broschüre „Wenn das Vergessen nicht gelingt“. Diese richtet sich an Betroffene mit posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTBS oder PTSD) und deren Angehörige.
1. What do we mean by ‘psychosocial support (PSS)? | 2. What are the basic principles of psychosocial support for UNICEF? | 3. In what types of situations does UNICEF address psychosocial support? | 4. Are there certain psychosocial interventions in which UNICEF should not normally seek to inves...t? | 5. Are there any types of interventions we should discourage? | 6. Should UNICEF support one-to-one counselling? In what situations might this be appropriate? | 7. When should children be referred for professional mental health support? | 8. Should we avoid using the term “traumatised” when referring to children? | 9. How do we assess the type or response needed a) for quick, short term action? b) for medium-long term interventions? | 10. How can caregivers and professionals who have themselves experienced the same crises or exposures provide psychosocial support to children? | 11. What materials and tools are recommended to support and monitor PSS interventions? Where can these be obtained?
Accessed online February 2019 | Web-page discussing: What is post-traumatic stress disorder? What causes post-traumatic stress disorder? Who is affected by post-traumatic stress disorder? What are the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder? How is post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosed? Treatm...ent for post-traumatic stress disorder. Prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder.
How to recognise Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | The nature and cause of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | Treatment and referral | Sources of further information | Compiled by the Scientific & Advisory Board Members of the South African Depression & Anxiety Group, and reviewed by the MRC Research U...nit on Anxiety and Stress Disorders
The Japan Committee for UNICEF (JCU) has for years endeavored to disseminate important information about children in developing countries and UNICEF’s various assistance programmes there, as well as to fundraise to support those programmes. Unprecedented damage caused by the East Japan Earthquake,... however, forced us to ask ourselves what we could do to help, and we wasted no time in contacting UNICEF Headquarters in New York.
Lancet Planet Health 2019; 3: e93–101
Hidden Burdens of Conflict
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry60:5 (2019), pp 500–515
TRAUMA & GEWALT 5. Jahrgang Heft 3/2011
Brochure d’information destinée aux collaborateurs rémunérés et bénévoles intervenant auprès de réfugiés traumatisés
Info-Broschüre über die psychischen Folgen von Traumatisierungen
Die Broschüre kann in Französisch,Italienisch, Englisch, Farsi/Persisch/Dari, Albanisch, Bosnisch/Serbisch/Kroatisch; Türkish, Arabisch und Tamilisch heruntergeladen werden unter
The 2014-2015 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Liberia resulted in over 10,000 cases and 5,000 deaths. Recognizing the importance of addressing children’s trauma, the Ebola recovery and restoration trust fund (EERTF) funded the implementation of a Comfort for kids (C4K) program which encou...rages psychological healing, and promotes resilience in children who have experienced a crisis or disaster. The C4K program in Liberia was implemented between January 2015 and December 2016 in fifteen townships in Montserrado County through a collaboration between Mercy Corps Liberia, the World Bank’s Liberian health task team, and the government of Liberia. C4K primarily centers on the My Story workbook and associated classroom activities, which provide children with the opportunity to express their emotions about their experiences through drawing, writing, and facilitated discussion. C4K also provides capacity building for parents, teachers, and other caretakers on how to identify and more effectively respond to children’s trauma responses and to support their recovery
This study complements the growing amount of research on the psychosocial impact of war on chil-dren in Sierra Leone by examining local perceptions of child mental health, formal and informal care systems, help-seeking behaviour and stigma
Yoder et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2016) 10:48 DOI 10.11...86/s13033-016-0080-8
Nul n'est à Ll'abrid'un traumatisme psychique. Trauma-Broschüre Wenn das Vergessen nicht gelingt. French Version.
Diese Broschüre richtet sich an Frauen, Männer und Kinder, die Traumatisches erlebt haben, und ihre Angehörigen. Die Broschüre informiert anhand konkreter Beispiele über Entstehu...ng, Folgen und Bewältigung der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung.
Singing to the Lions es un paquete de capacitación gratuito (guía del facilitador, suplemento y video) de CRS, que está diseñado para ayudar a los niños y jóvenes a disminuir el impacto de la violencia y el abuso en sus vidas. El componente principal es un taller de tres días en el que los pa...rticipantes aprenden habilidades que pueden ayudarlos a transformar sus vidas y ya no sentirse dominados por el miedo. Aunque el taller está dirigido a jóvenes e incluye juegos, arte y canciones, también se puede utilizar para ayudar a los adultos a tomar medidas en aspectos de sus vidas que causan miedo y, al hacerlo, convertirse en mejores padres y cuidadores.