Acessed on 20.10.2020
Dans sa lutte contre la mortalité maternelle, le gouvernement du Burkina Faso est soutenu par les bailleurs de fonds qui contribuent au budget de la santé et financent également des projets spécifiques visant à améliorer l’accès aux soins. Le présent rapport reconna...t les efforts fournis par le gouvernement burkinabè afin de s’attaquer à la mortalité maternelle, avec l’aide des bailleurs de fonds, et souligne l’importance des projets menés par des ONG nationales et internationales.
The Humanitarian News Digest is a monthly compilation of links to reports, web stories, press releases, and other
public products published online by organizations with humanitarian operations in Myanmar.
Global concerns: Implications for the future
Child Mental Health Atlas
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Vol.12 (2013) pp.234-248
In 2006, the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) published an Expert Report entitled “Antimicrobial Resistance: Implications for the Food System” (IFT 2006). That report summarized current scientific knowledge pe...rtaining to the public-health impact of antimicrobial use in the food system and the development and control of antimicrobial resistance. Since that time, intense interest in this topic has continued within the regulatory and scientific communities as well as the general public. This IFT Scientific Status Summary serves to update that 2006 IFT Expert Report by briefly reviewing new scientific evidence relevant to the goals of the initial report and providing a number of key observations and conclusions.
Over the past 20 years, the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) has regularly published and annually updated a global strategy for asthma management and prevention that has formed the basis for many national guidelines. However, uptake of existing guidelines is poor. A major revision of the GINA r...eport was published in 2014, and updated in 2015, reflecting an evolving understanding of heterogeneous airways disease, a broader evidence base, increasing interest in targeted treatment, and evidence about effective implementation approaches. During development of the report, the clinical utility of recommendations and strategies for their practical implementation were considered in parallel with the scientific evidence.
This Case Study explores flood forecasting systems from the perspective of its position within the flood warning process. A method for classifying the different approaches taken in flood forecasting is introduced before the elements of a present-day flood forecasting system are discussed in detail. ...Finally, the state of the art in developing flood forecasting systems is addressed including how to deal with specific challenges posed.
The target group of this case study are decision makers in disaster risk management and/or water management. The case study should help to understand some hydrologic basics of the flood forecast and assist in the administration and implementation of an appropriate flood warning system in a specific environment, to find the best solution for a region.
Best solutions depend mainly on quality and availability of data, the areas and/or points of interest, catchment properties, cross border catchments, and financial capabilities with special consideration of flood forecast.
Neben vielen gemeinnützigen Lern- und Austausch-programmen gibt es auch immer mehr kommerzielle Angebote im ‒ offensichtlich lukrativen ‒ Geschäftsfeld Reisen und „Helfen“. Viele Sendeorganisationen und Reiseveranstalter richten ihre Angebote immer stärker an den Wüns...chen der Reisenden aus, die sich nur kurzzeitig in erlebnisorientierten Projekten engagieren möchten. Be-reits in unserer ersten Ausgabe 2015 haben wir 44 Angebo-te auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt näher betrachtet: Entwicklungspolitisches Lernen durch eine intensive Vor- und Nachbereitung, effektiver Kindesschutz und die Zu-sammenarbeit mit lokalen Organisationen auf Augenhö-he sind, so das Ergebnis unserer Recherche, noch lange keine Standards bei den Kurzaufenthalte für Freiwillige.
SCOPING QUESTION:Which psychosocial interventions are effective in the treatment of psychostimulant dependence for adults and young people?
The Atlas of Palliative Care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region is the first systematic attempt to assess the status of resources, activities, and needs of palliative care in the region. It provides a comparative picture of the current state of palliative care in simple and clear graphics, utilisin...g texts, tables, figures and maps that reproduce information given by national palliative care leaders in the Eastern Mediterranean. This information is essential for the appropriate planning of the development of palliative care for this region.
• provide scientific information on the safety, efficacy, and quality control/ quality assurance of widely used medicinal plants, in order to facilitate their appropriate use in Member States;
• provide models to assist Member States in developing their own mono- graphs or formularies for these... or other herbal medicines; and
• facilitate information exchange among Member States.
Der Erste-Hilfe-Wortschatz bietet einfachen Basiswortschatz zur ersten Verständigung in Unterkünften, auf Ämtern oder beim Arzt. Er enthält Wörter und Wendungen mit Übersetzungen in Arabisch, Englisch und Französisch.
Erschienen im Asylmagazin, Zeitschrift für Flüchtlings- und Migrationsrecht, 7–8/2015. Basisinformation für die Beratungspraxis Nr.1. Ablauf des Verfahrens, Fallbeispiele, weiterführende Informationen
The standards of care cover the routine care and management of complications occurring for women and their babies during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period, including those of small babies during the first week of life. They define priorities for improving the quality of maternal and ...newborn care for use by planners, managers and health care providers