This toolkit has been developed by the ZAZI campaign for use by peer educators, community outreach workers, faith-based organisations, and traditional health practitioners to help facilitate participatory discussions on sexual and reproductive health with women aged between 20 and 49 years of age. T...he toolkit is divided in 10 content sections
Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH), a U.S.-
based nonprofit membership organization commissioned a
Family Planning (FP) survey of faith-based facility-based private
not-for-profit (FB-PNFP) health facilities in Uganda in 2013.
Country-wide health facilities of the Uganda Ortho...dox Church
Medical Bureau (UOMB), the Uganda Muslim Medical Bureau
(UMMB), the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB), and the
Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) were contacted by
phone and interviewed with established questions related to
family planning, contraceptive security, maternal and newborn
Immunization is among the most successful and cost effective public health interventions in preventing a child from dying before celebrating his or her first birthday. It is a priority intervention within Uganda’s minimum health care package which directly contributes to the Ministry of Health vis...ion and goal. Accessed Febr. 23,2017