Untersuchung und Dokumentation von Folter und Menschrechtsverletzungen. 2. Auflage
How do local authorities and humanitarian agencies collaborate when refugees are in transit? An IIED-supported research project is looking at the transit refugee response in Croatia.
Hundreds of thousands of refugees are at risk of being pushed to return to Syria in 2018, despite ongoing violence, bombing and shelling that are endangering the lives of civilians, leading humanitarian agencies warn in a report released today. The warning comes amid a global anti-refugee backlash, ...harsher conditions in neighbouring countries hosting Syrians, and Syrian government victories in the conflict that have fuelled misleading rhetoric suggesting Syria is safe for refugees to return.
Failure to Credibly Investigate and Provide Redress for Unlawful Attacks in Yemen
Межведомственный постоянный комитет (МПК) подготовил данное Руководство с целью оказания помощи гуманитарным организациямв планировании, осуществлении и коорди�...�ации ряда мультисекторныхмер минимального реагирования, направленных на защиту и улучшение психического здоровья, а также психосоциального благополучия в разгарчрезвычайной ситуации.
Руководство включает матрицу с рекомендациями по планированиюв период чрезвычайной ситуации, действия, необходимые на ранних стадиях чрезвычайной ситуации, а также комплексные меры реагирования на этапе восстановления и реабилитации. Матрица – ценный инструмент дляприменения на этапах координации, сотрудничества и защиты интересов. Данный инструмент дает схему для определения объемов осуществленияважных первых шагов реагирования во время чрезвычайной ситуации.
Germany has become a visible actor in global health in the past 10 years. In this Series paper, we describe how this development complements a broad change in perspective in German foreign policy.
Background paper 11
The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
May 2021
Building on our decades of commitment to human rights in medicine and healthcare, we have published a new report on emerging threats in health-related human rights both globally and in the UK.
'Health and human rights in the new world (dis)order' outlines a shifting rights landscape in which new ...technologies, environmental change and geopolitical reconfigurations are putting renewed and at times intense stress on human rights, both in medicine and healthcare more broadly.
arrow country studies
Political developments in Myanmar/Burma prompted the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) in 2013 to undertake a small-scale scoping study to re-evaluate and refine its advocacy strategies for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and to s...trengthen partnerships for advocacy with civil society organisations (CSO) working on SRHR in the country. The study aimed to identify the status of and the potential for SRHR advocacy by CSOs in Central Myanmar/Burma and in Eastern states along the Thai-Myanmar/Burma border, and increase the current knowledge base on SRHR issues, gaps, and challenges.
Lessons from a decade of Progress
Report commissioned by the IASC Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations Steering Group as part of the Syria Coordinated Accountability and Lessons Learning Initiative
The scale of West Africa’s Ebola epidemic has been attributed to the weak health systems of affected countries,
their lack of resources, the mobility of communities and their inexperience in dealing with Ebola. This briefing for African Affairs argues that these explanations lack important contex...t. The briefing examines responses to the outbreak and offers a different set of explanations, rooted in the history of the region and the political economy of global health and development. To move past technical discussions of “weak” health systems, it highlights how structural violence has contributed to the epidemic. As part of this, local people – their beliefs, concerns and priorities – have been marginalised. Both the crisis response and post-Ebola ‘reconstruction’ will be strengthened by acknowledgment of its long term structural underpinnings and from a more collaborative inclusion of local people.
This policy discussion paper is designed to give an overview of the legal and policy implications of the dealat the present time.This paper is not designed to be an exhaustive statement or exploration of all issues –rather, its purpose is to highlight the key policy and legal challenges which the ...EU-Turkey Deal has created at this early stage from the perspective of forced migrants.
The aim of this paper is to map and critically analyse evidence of good practice in prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian contexts which can support humanitarian practitioners and policy makers to improve the quality of GBV programming in the field. The paper is stru...ctured as follows. Following a brief discussion of key concepts and definitions in relation to GBV, Chapter 2 presents an overview of the extent of GBV in emergencies, and some of the challenges in responding to the problem. Chapter 3 then analyses some of the literature on the evidence of GBV programming effects in humanitarian settings, and draws out key lessons with regard to good practice. Chapter 4 discusses some of the key issues emerging from this review, and Chapter 5 concludes the paper with a discussion of the implications of the findings for research, policy and programming on GBV.