Chapter J.4
Q6: What is the added advantage of doing neuroimaging in people with convulsive epilepsy in non-specialist settings in low and middle income countries?
Fistula Care's implementing partner in Ethiopia, IntraHealth, has developed materials to train health workers on obstetric fistula prevention, identification, and pre-repair care. The course contains a participant handbook (PDF, 604 KB), a facilitator manual (PDF, 1.3 MB), ten modules, a variety of ...visual aids, and supplementary handouts
Recommendations for a public health approach
HIV/AIDS Programme
Specific Objectives
• To increase the knowledge and awareness of personnel on chemical management.
• To educate the personnel on the potential adverse health effects of chemical exposure.
• To educate the personnel on the existing laws pertaining to handling of hazardous
• To... promote safe and healthy work practices among personnel during chemical handling.
• To guide the personnel on transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals.
This s a systematic review of English language literature from 2000 to 2010 covering spiritual care in end of life care settings which includes spiritual assessment tools and ongoing intervention models.