Insecurity Insight Report 13-1.
A step-by-step guide for child protection programmes to the design and implementation of KAP survey methods. In particular, this guide will help to strengthen the quality of our research, monitoring and evaluation work, and enable Save the Children to contribute to a step-change in the child protect...ion evidence base that is so critically needed. Document also available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
The Open Infectious Diseases Journal, 2013, 7, (Suppl 1: M6) 54-59
El documento es una investigación-acción con un enfoque de mixto, cualitativo y cuantitativo, cuyo objetivo es presentar una propuesta de modelo de atención para la estrategia de prevención y control de tuberculosis de los entes que atienden a comunidades quechuas, teniendo en cuenta los usos y ...costumbres de dicha comunidad en el aspecto salud, como también el desplazamiento de éstas entre zonas rurales y urbanas.
Integrating WASH and MHCP interventions will always require imagination and creativity to adapt the approach to specific conditions, opportunities and constraints in each context. The book is designed to stimulate reflection and encourage initiatives to seek opportunities for closer integration of t...hese two sectors. It provides examples and tools for integration, highlights possible obstacles and proposes strategies for overcoming them. It provides ideas, examples and resources that can be used at all stages of the project cycle. It is intended for readers at strategic and operational levels, in ACF country missions and at headquarters.
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karykram (RBSK). Operational Guidelines
Menées par les organisations humanitaires et de défence des droits de l'homme lors de conflits armés et d'autres situations de violence
of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or... a stateless person (recast)