BMC Family Practice (2017) 18:56 DOI 10.1186/s12875-017-0628
Биполярное расстройство, известное так же, как маниакально-депрессивный психоз, является психическим заболеванием, которое характеризуется нетипичной сменой нас...троений, перепадами энергетического уровня и способности функционировать. Биполярное расстройство поддается лечению, и больные, страдающие этим заболеванием, способны жить полноценной и продуктивной жизнью.
Resources for the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
The report offers 20 top recommendations for getting ahead of future outbreaks in Yemen and similarly complex humanitarian settings.
In 2015, Yemen was declared a Level 3 emergency by the UN, kicking into gear the highest level of humanitarian support. A massive cholera outbreak followed, leading t...o 1 million suspected cases in 2 waves from September 2016-July 2018.
“We largely know ‘what to do’ to control cholera, but context-specific practices on ‘how to do it’ in order to surmount challenges to coordination, logistics, insecurity, access and politics remain needed,” the report states.
While the response improved between the 2 waves, there were gaps. For one, Yemen’s history of cholera should have triggered a heavy focus on pre-planning for an epidemic, such as stockpiling supplies and doubling down on community-based surveillance, the report fou
Effective implementation of WHO PEN, combined with other very cost effective population-wide interventions, will help even resource constrained settings to attain the global voluntary targets related to reduction of premature mortality and preventionof heart attacks and strokes.
Report of the Review Committee on the Functioning of the International Health Regulations (2005) in relation to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
Infant Psychiatry
Chapter B.1
Early Maltreatment and exposure to violence
We created this booklet to share our patients’ stories with a larger community. Too many historical injustices go unacknowledged in Iraq, and human rights abuses continue to this day. We feel it is essential to uncover these injustices and help our patients speak out, in the hope that one day all... people will enjoy their fundamental human rights in Iraq.
Trastornos de ansiedad
Capítulo F.4
Editor: Daniel Martínez, Matías Irarrázaval
Traducido por Beatriz Garcia Parreño, Nieves Hermosín Carpio, Sandra Alonso Bada
A report of the assessment of the mental health system in Nepal using the World Health Organization - Assessment Instrument for
Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS).
Kathmandu, Nepal
Cervical cancer, along with maternal deaths, has been identified as a national priority in
South Africa as well as other Sub-Saharan African countries. Cervical cancer is the
second most common cancer among women in South Africa, after breast cancer. Due
to limited access to prevention, early dia...gnosis and treatment, cervical cancer is often
In this review, the editors will investigate the impact of eight WASH interventions in preventing (reducing the risk of) and controlling outbreaks in LMIC, with particular focus on three diseases of current concern to the response community – cholera, Ebola, and Hepatitis E. Additionally, we will ...explore economic outcomes related to WASH interventions within an outbreak
From Individual to Collective healing: A trainer’s manual
This Indicator-Based Pharmacovigilance Assessment Tool (IPAT) was developed as a comprehensive performance metric for pharmacovigilance and medicine safety systems.