Buruli ulcer mostly affects children. This comic is aimed at giving them a better knowledge of the disease.
If you notice changes in the person’s mood, behaviour, energy levels, habits or
personality, you should consider depression as a possible reason for these changes.
However, you should not attempt to diagnose the person with depression, as only a
trained professional can do this. Do not ignore t...he symptoms you have noticed or
assume that they will just go away
You can download handouts and posters directly from the website
This page provides open-access online parenting resources during COVID-19 on one-on-one time, keeping it positive, structure up, bad behaviour, keep calm and manage stress, and talking about COVID-19. These resources, available in 30+ languages, were developed by Parenting for Lifelong Health, who a...re working with WHO, UNICEF, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, the Internet of Good Things, USAID and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Here you can download Infographics & Posters for Communication and Medica Actions
Which communities are most at risk of Monkeypox in the current outbreak and why? WHO’s Andy Seale explains how we can support the communities at risk in Science in 5.
The advice on this page provides information for individuals and families on ways to prevent illness and stay healthy, based on WHO recommendations.
Vectors can be a threat to you, at home and when travelling.
Simple measures for protection.
Information on Chikungunya Fever
Document provides basic information on Hypertension (symptoms, risk factors, complications, treatment) in a descriptive way.
The document provides inforation on tobacco use (health effects, quitting, benefits of quitting, e-cigarettes etc.) in a descriptive way.