Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases and their risk factors are an increasing public health and development challenge in Kyrgyzstan. This report provides evidence through three analyses that NCDs reduce economic outp...ut and discusses potential options in response, outlining details of their relative returns on investment. An economic burden analysis shows that economic losses from NCDs are equivalent to 3.9% of gross domestic product. An intervention costing analysis provides an estimate of the funding required to implement a set of policy interventions for prevention and clinical interventions. A cost–benefit analysis compares these implementation costs with the estimated health gains and identifies which policy packages would give the greatest returns on investment.
The conduct of paediatric anaesthesia presents many unique challenges. One of the most striking is the variabilityof behaviour and responses of children and their parents at induction. Behavioural problems, the need for restraint,difficult IV accessandco-morbiditiesadd complexity and...can make the art of maintaining a calm and smooth induction incredibly difficult. This tutorial will discuss sixof the common problems that arise at induction and how these may best be overcome.
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública 2017 Vol 34 (2)
En el presente artículo se desarrolla la situación epidemiológica de la TB en el Perú al 2015, los avances en su control, de acuerdo a tres enfoques: biomédico, de gestión pública y de determinantes sociales de la salu...d, y plantea desafíos para hacer frente a la TB en el marco de la Ley 30287 y la estrategia "Fin de la Tuberculosis".
Epidemiologisches Bulletin; 22. August 2016 / Nr. 33 ;DOI 10.17886/EpiBull-2016-050
Rapport sur les populations clés.
Informe sobre poblicationes clave.
UNAIDS 2016 / Meeting Report
Globalization and Health201612:63; DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0195-3
The checklist tool described in this handbook is intended for EU/EEA public health authorities who need to assess the capacity for communicable disease prevention and control at migrant reception/detention centres hosting migrants for weeks/months (medium-term) in order to identify gaps and set prio...rities for development.
Using this tool, the aim is to monitor and support capacity development to prevent the onset and improve the management of communicable disease outbreaks at medium-term migration reception/detention centres, both on a day-to-day basis and in the event of a sudden influx of migrants.
Updated 22 august 2016. This document aims to provide interim guidance on the case definition of GBS and strategies to manage the syndrome, in the context of Zika virus and its potential association with GBS. This document is intended to inform the development of local clinical protocols and health ...policies related to the care of patients with GBS
Report on Main Findings
The review encompasses three complementary components: 1) a review of published literature 2000-2015 on NCDs and their risk factors; 2) qualitative interviews with key actors engaged in NCD research in Myanmar; and 3) additional reviews of Myanmar ethical committee inqui...ries and postgraduate research on NCDs in Myanmar. This report outlines the key findings from the three components including a synthesis of the key outcomes from the literature review and qualitative interviews, and an assessment of the gaps in the evidence against a framework of evidence needs.
Iron deficiency is one of the most common forms of nutritional deficiencies, particularly among vulnerable groups such as women, children and low-income populations. Iron deficiency often precedes anaemia, and anaemia during pregnancy is one of the strongest predictors of anaemia the postpartum period, beginning just after childbirth throughout the subsequent 6 weeks. The consequences of iron deficiency and anaemia during the postpartum period can be serious and have long-term health implications for the mother and her infant.
This guideline reviews the evidence on the safety and effectiveness of iron supplementation in postpartum women.
Government Barriers to Condom Use by Men Who Have Sex With Men
La Estrategia, una vez aplicada, contribuirá a que disminuyan radicalmente las ITS y las muertes relacionadas con dichas infecciones (incluidas las muertes fetales intrauterinas y el cáncer cervicouterino), al tiempo que mejorará la salud individual, la salud sexual de los hombres y las mujeres, ...y el bienestar de las personas en general. Asimismo, guiará los esfuerzos destinados a: acelerar y focalizar las iniciativas de prevención integrales mediante la ampliación de los enfoques comportamentales, biomédicos y estructurales combinados que estén basados en datos científicos; facilitar el acceso de las personas a la información sobre su estado en relación con las ITS; mejorar el acceso a tratamiento y a cuidados integrales a largo plazo cuando sea necesario; y hacer frente a la estigmatización y la discriminación generalizadas. El proyecto de estrategia promueve un enfoque centrado en las personas, basado en los principios de los derechos humanos, la igualdad de género y la equidad sanitaria.
Technical Series on Safer Primary Care