This report outlines the known problems of child soldiers and the different forms of recruiting. The report zooms in on the Colombia situation and the motives with which Colombian children join these armed groups. Finally there's a list of actions that can be taken to change this situation and the c...ontributions of War Child in these actions.
The report examines some of the underlying causes of domestic violence and the impact on children of being exposed to violence in the home.
В Руководстве представлены определение туберкулеза и методы его выявления, методы диагностики и лечения туберкулеза, формы организации и управления противотубер...кулезной службой, а также структуры, в рамках которой может действовать такая служба в даже самых ограниченных социально-экономических условиях.
Experience from Save the Children and partners globally
demonstrates that improvements in education quality go hand-in-hand
with inclusion and access, Flexible, quality, responsive learning
environments will benefit all children and are fundamental to including
marginalised groups like disabled ...children in education.
These guidelines are primarily aimed at education staff trying to
develop inclusive education practices, focussing on including disabled
children in schools.While this book focuses on disabled children, we
hope it will be useful for developing general inclusive education
practices. Community groups and non-governmental organisations, as
well as people working in community-based rehabilitation(CBR) and
the wider disability context, could also use these guidelines to provide
input into inclusive education work.
While the guidelines focus primarily on schools, much of the
information is still relevant to readers working in out-of-school
Le présent texte permettra aux lecteurs de comprendre certains éléments qui sous-tendent les concepts de la responsabilité sociale et de l’imputabilité des facultés de médecine en regard de leur réponse aux besoins des sociétés qu’elles doivent servir et de prendre connaissance de quel...ques-uns des facteurs qui déterminent le niveau d’adaptation des curriculums aux besoins de la population/communauté.
Guide pratique à l’usage des sages-femmes, médecins spécialisés en obstétrique et personnel de santé devant faire face à des urgences obstétricales. Ce guide a été conçu comme un outil qui permette de protéger la mère et son enfant dans un environnement défavorable. Il est destiné a...ux sages-femmes, médecins spécialisés en obstétrique et personnel de santé devant faire face à des urgences obstétricales.
International Review of the Red Cross Volume 91 Number 874 June 2009
No education system is effective unless it promotes the health and well-being of its students, staff and community. These strong links have never been more visible and compelling than in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Towards making every school a health-promoting school: Let’s start with a... shared vision based on the standards and indicators presented in this publication.
Social protection programmes in Malawi ensure that those most in need get the essential assistance they require.Social protection programmes help the most vulnerable, including the elderly, ultra-poor, disabled, and children
The article focuses on "The State of the World’s Children 2023" report published by UNICEF. It highlights the critical role of vaccines in saving lives and the challenges in global immunization efforts, especially for marginalized and underserved children. The report emphasizes the impact of COVID...-19 on routine immunization, leaving millions of children unprotected from preventable diseases. It calls for urgent measures to restore and improve vaccination coverage, ensure equity in vaccine access, strengthen primary healthcare systems, and build trust in vaccines. The report also advocates for innovations and sustainable funding to achieve immunization for every child.
Based on an increasing body of evidence pointing at the positive impact that social assistance has had in Malawi, the region and beyond, government is encouraged to continue investing in and supporting the expansion and comprehensiveness of social protection programmes in both rural and urban areas,... ensuring they effectively target and adequately address needs and vulnerabilities across the lifecycle, in line with the Malawi National Social Support Programme (MNSSP II) and Vision 2063. In addition, Government and Development Partners are encouraged to further the integration between social protection, the humanitarian and the disaster risk management sectors in response to shocks and stresses, through the roll out of a fully shock-sensitive social protection system.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established its Financial Mechanism to facilitate the provision and transfer of resources from developed to developing countries. The Global Environment Facility became the first operating entity of the Financial Mechanism after the ...Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC, and the GEF Council agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 1996. This agreement placed the GEF under the guidance of the COP, as Article 11 of the Convention states that the Financial Mechanism “shall function under the guidance of and be accountable to the Conference of the Parties, which shall decide on its policies, program priorities and eligibility criteria related to this Convention.”
The yearly COPs have provided an opportunity for Parties to update and renew their guidance to the GEF. To date, there have been 145 UNFCCC COP decisions and 526 paragraphs that offer guidance to the GEF (see Table 1). In addition, the Conferences of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) have issued 40 decisions and 115 paragraphs as guidance to the GEF (see Table 2). Key areas of Convention guidance have included: the GEF’s role as an operating entity of the Financial Mechanism, including the Paris Agreement; the GEF’s institutional and procedural reform; transparency and access to GEF funds; country engagement and empowerment; reporting on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories; support for technology transfer; and ongoing programming in mitigation and adaptation.
Since there is no single objective diagnostic test for asthma this study suggests an approach of collecting and assembling pieces of clinical information to create a diagnostic picture, like making a jigsaw puzzle. These pieces should include demonstration of symptom and airway variability and/or br...onchodilator responsiveness over time, to support a clinical diagnosis.
La cinquième Enquête Démographique et de Santé effectuée au Bénin (EDSB-V) en 2017-2018 fournit des
informations dans plusieurs domaines. Au cours de l’enquête, 15 928 femmes de 15-49 ans dans tous les ménages
séléctionnés et 7 595 hommes de 15-64 ans dans la moitié des ménages sél...ectionnés ont été interviewés avec
L’Enquête Continue au Sénégal collecte des données chaque année pour atteindre deux objectifs :
1) Répondre aux besoins permanents en données pour planifier, suivre et évaluer les programmes de santé et de population.
2) Renforcer des capacités des institutions du Sénégal dans le do...maine de la collecte et de l’utilisation des données.