his sequel to the Groundswell report includes projections and analysis of internal climate migration for three new regions: East Asia and the Pacific, North Africa, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Qualitative analyses of climate-related mobility in countries of the Mashreq and in Small Island D...eveloping States (SIDS) are also provided. This new report builds on the scenario-based modeling approach of the previous Groundswell report from 2018, which covered Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. The two reports’ combined findings provide, for the first time, a global picture of the potential scale of internal climate migration across the six regions, allowing for a better understanding of how slow-onset climate change impacts, population dynamics, and development contexts shape mobility trends.
Available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish
Constraints, Technologies, Policies and Processes
Global Qualitative Nursing Research March 31, 2021 Research Article Find in PubMed
This paper introduces a new dataset of official financing—including foreign aid and other forms of concessional and non-concessional state financing—from China to 138 countries between 2000 and 2014. We use these data to investigate whether and to what extent Chinese aid affects economic growth ...in recipient countries. To account for the endogeneity of aid, we employ an instrumental-variables strategy that relies on exogenous variation in the supply of Chinese aid over time resulting from changes in Chinese steel production. Variation across recipient countries results from a country’s probability of receiving aid. Controlling for year- and recipient-fixed effects that capture the levels of these variables, their interaction provides a powerful and excludable instrument. Our results show that Chinese official development assistance (ODA) boosts economic growth in recipient countries. For the average recipient country, we estimate that one additional Chinese ODA project produces a 0.7 percentage point increase in economic growth two years after the project is committed. We also benchmark the effectiveness of Chinese aid vis-á-vis the World Bank, the United States, and all members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC).
This codebook outlines the set of TUFF procedures that have been developed, tested, refined, and implemented by AidData staff and affiliated faculty at the College of William & Mary. We initially employed these methods to achieve a specific objective: documenting the known universe of officially fin...anced Chinese projects in Africa (Strange et al. 2013, 2017). We have since then employed these methods to track Chinese official finance to five major world regions: Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Central and Eastern Europe (Dreher et al. 2017). Additionally, other social scientists have adapted and applied the TUFF methodology to identify grants and loans from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members (Minor et al. 2014), under-reported humanitarian assistance flows from traditional and non-traditional sources (Ghose 2017), foreign direct investment from Western and non-Western sources (Bunte et al. 2017), and pre-2000 foreign aid flows from China (Morgan and Zheng 2017). However, this codebook focuses specifically on TUFF data collection and quality assurance procedures to track Chinese official finance between 2000 and 2014.
Diagnosis and Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
USAID/Afghanistan’s $443 million investment in the Afghan Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation (SWSS) activity is one of the Agency’s largest single investments in sustainable rural water supply delivery. The project installed about 2,123 wells with hand pumps across Afghanistan from 2009–2...012. This report presents findings from a retrospective evaluation of a random selection of wells with hand pumps installed under the SWSS project.
This evaluation’s key purpose is to identify factors that support and hinder sustainable water service delivery in different contexts.
Briefing Note no. 80 November 2015
EBRD expects Ukraine’s economy to contract by nearly a third in 2022
- EBRD continues to expect Ukraine’s economy to shrink by 30 per cent in 2022
- Bank lowers 2023 GDP growth forecast from 25 per cent to 8 per cent
- EBRD Regional Economic Prospects (REP) report highlights war-induced uncer...tainty
Russia’s war on Ukraine will cause the latter’s economy to shrink by nearly a third in 2022, according to the latest forecast by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD
Die aktuellen Leitlinien stellen detailliert und umfassend die gesamte wissen-
schaftliche Basis und die daraus abgeleiteten Therapieempfehlungen in elf Einzel-
kapiteln dar. Darunter befinden sich auch allgemeingültige Empfehlungen wie
zum Beispiel zur Ausbildung und zu ethischen Fragestellunge...n am Lebensende.
Um Ihnen einen möglichst schnellen und gleichzeitig umfassenden Überblick zu
ermöglichen, haben wir für Sie in diesem Taschenbuch die wesentlichen Aussagen
aus allen Kapiteln als Kurzfassung zusammengestellt.
La movilidad humana en Colombia incluye una combinación de migración interna e internacional, tanto de personas colombianas como originarios de otros países. Históricamente, el principal movimiento migratorio internacional en Colombia ha sido la emigración. Las razones son variad...as, muchas han estado relacionadas con el conflicto armado, la inestabilidad política y económica, unidas a la falta de oportunidades de algunos grupos de la población, lo que generó para muchas generaciones la salida del país en pro de una mejor calidad de vida. Un segundo movimiento masivo es el de las personas desplazadas internas por el conflicto armado. Más recientemente, a estos dos movimientos se ha sumado el de las personas venezolanas que ingresan a Colombia, ya sea con la intención de continuar hacia otros países de la región o para permanecer en este país. En este documento, abordamos los posibles impactos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en consideración de estas tres movilidades en Colombia.
La presente publicación describe las medidas de bioseguridad para disminuir el riesgo de infección por COVID-19 durante la atención estomatológica., así como las actividades y procedimientos del personal que brinda atención estomatológica para disminuir el riesgo de infección por COVID-19.