When Ebola hit Liberia in 2014, an atmosphere of fear and confusion contributed to the spread of the virus by making people unwilling to come forward for testing and treatment. Oxfam trained and equipped community health volunteers to go door-to-door, giving information and advice, encouraging anyon...e showing symptoms to go for tests, and keeping their family members informed about the progress of their treatment. The approach won the trust of communities and helped to slow the spread of the disease. This case study gives an overview of the programme, including aims, results and a personal story.
Quality Standards for community health services Level 1
Promoting People's Health to Enhance Social-economic Development
This real-time learning process was carried out in order to identify the gaps and needs within World Vision’s current Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) response in Sierra Leone and to inform World Vision on how other surrounding countries (specifically those with national offices such as Mali, Ghana, Nig...er, Mauritania, Senegal and Chad) should prepare for a possible Ebola outbreak.
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book - 5
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -5
Lancet Planet Health 2020; 4: e271–79
Technical lessons learnt report UNDP GEF Project
Data from the 2011 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey
Overview of Community-Based Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses