Substance use disorders
Chapter G.3
Towards a policy of inclusion
As climate impacts intensify across the globe, nations must dramatically increase funding and implementation of actions designed to help vulnerable nations and communities adapt to the climate storm
Discussions about climate change often focus on the future, but millions of children are experiencing its devastating impacts now. The scale of the crisis is huge, and growing fast. It is children that will bear the brunt of climate change, yet its impact on them is understudied, their voices are no...t being heard, and current solutions are woefully inadequate. It is a perfect storm that we must stop in its path – before it is too late.
Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic
A review of Save the Children’s work to promote the rights of children with disabilities
Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Chapter I.4
Ce rapport montre que d’importants progrès ont été accomplis en 2015 pour atteindre les cibles de la feuille de route. Ces résultats procèdent de la mise en œuvre de cinq interventions recommandées par l’OMS pour vaincre les MTN : chimiothérapie préventive ; prise en charge innovante et... intensifiée de la maladie ; écologie et gestion vectorielles ; services de santé publique vétérinaire ; et approvisionnement en eau sans risque sanitaire et services d’assainissement et d’hygiène.
Perspectivas sobre las drogas
Conference Report Sao Paulo, Brazil 22-24 October 2015
Mood disorders
Chapter E.3
2016 edition
Developmental disorders
Chapter C.2
2014 Edition
Research Article
PLOS Medicine | July 31, 2018 / 1-19