A Trauma-Picture-Book about Help for Parents und their Children who Fled from War and Home. This picture book is available in 10 languages
District Level M & E Training and Reference Material for Primary Health Care Programmes
District Level M & E Training and Reference Material for Primary Health Care Programmes
District Level M & E Training and Reference Material for Primary Health Care Programmes
Ending Cholera—A Global Roadmap to 2030 operationalises the new global strategy for cholera control at the country level and provides a concrete path toward a world in which cholera is no longer a threat to public health
German HIV Practice Collection: Publications in this Collection describe programmes supported by German Development Cooperation that have been assessed as “promising or good practice” by an editorial board of experts from German development organizations and by two international peer reviewers w...ith renowned expertise in the particular field.
The Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre | University College London | 4 Taviton Street | London WC1H OBT | United Kingdom| Principal Investigator: Dr Raymond Lang | Email: r.lang@ucl.ac.uk | Tel: +44 (0)207 679 1519 | Research Commissioned by the Southern African Federation ...of the Disabled’s (SAFOD) |
DFID-funded Research Programme
This summary brief highlights key messages from the updated World Health Organization’s recommendation on tranexamic acid (TXA) for the treatment of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), including policy and program implications for translating the TXA recommendation into action at the country level. In 2...012, WHO published recommendations for the prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage, including a recommendation on the use of TXA for treatment of PPH. The 2017 updated WHO Recommendation on TXA is based on new evidence on use of TXA for treatment of PPH. This summary brief is intended for policy-makers, programme managers, educators and providers.
Guidelines for treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis and patient care
Uptsate 2017