Данное руководство содержит детальное описание стратегии диагностики и ведения пациентов с лекарственно-устойчивыми формами ТБ, прежде всего с туберкулезом с мн...жественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ-ТБ). Оно составлено с учетом важных изменений, отмеченных за последние годы, и предназначено для практикующих медицинских работников и программ борьбы с ТБ в странах с умеренными и ограниченными ресурсами.
4th edition. This is fourth edition of Treatment of tuberculosis: guidelines, adhering fully to the new WHO process for evidence-based guidelines. Several important recommendations are being promoted in this new edition
6th edition, The NLEM 2021 contains 398 drugs molecules in different therapeutic categories.
2014-2020, Draft March 2014
Nature | Vol 600 | 2 December 2021 |
WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA joint statement
Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection
Accessed: 26.02.2020
This National Action Plan addresses actions needed to be taken in order to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the country. It is obligatory to raise awareness of antimicrobial resistance and promote behavioral change through public communication
programmes that targets human, animal and plant... health. Inclusion of the use of antimicrobial agents and resistance in school curricula will further promote better understanding and awareness from an early age. Antimicrobial Resistance knowledge, surveillance and research will be strengthened through establishing a national surveillance system for antimicrobial resistance, establishing and building capacity for a national reference laboratory and designated laboratories for AMR surveillance, developing a national research agenda on AMR and establishing and supporting a coordinated mechanism that will ensure harmonized AMR guidelines, data management and sharing systems in human, animal and plant health settings.
Issues & Regulations Regarding Pharmaceutical Waste Management
Procedures Manual - Medicines registration in Madagascar - 2016 version