Objective: To review research on associations of trauma type with PTSD in the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys, a series of epidemiological surveys that obtained representative data on trauma-specific PTSD.
This training and guidance has been developed to provide an in-depth understanding on what it means to respect legal capacity in mental health and related areas as well as concrete strategies to ensure that people are able to exercise their right to legal capacity in all areas of their life. In this... context a wide range of scenarios are used to describe how different models of supported decision making can be applied in practice.
This module has been developed to provide training and guidance to improve the quality of care and human rights conditions in inpatient, outpatient and community based mental health and related services, following the conduct of a comprehensive assessment using the WHO QualityRights assessment toolk...it.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have newly developed "Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse Guidelines" for health and psychosocial providers in humanitarian settings - “CCS Guidelines”. The CCS Guidelines are based on global resear...ch and evidence-based field practice, and bring a much-needed fresh and practical approach to helping child survivors, and their families, recover and heal from the oftentimes devastating impacts of sexual abuse. The guidelines walk the reader through the core knowledge, attitude and skill competencies required for service providers to effectively care for children and families affected by sexual abuse. In addition, the guidelines outline how to provide case management and basic psychosocial care for child survivors, as well as best practices for coordinating care.
Q 7: For adults and children with convulsive epilepsy, which standard antiepileptic drugs (phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid) when compared to placebo/a comparator produce benefits/harm in the specified outcomes?
In this report, potential reasons for this apparent
contradiction between cherished human values
and observed social actions are explored with a
view to better formulating concrete steps that
governments and other stakeholders can take to
reshape social attitudes and public policy.
This publication seeks to describe the best treatments and practices based on the scientific evidence available at the time of writing as evaluated by the authors and may change as a result of new research. Readers need to apply this knowledge to patients in accordance with the guidelines and laws o...f their country of practice. Some medications may not be available in some countries and readers should consult the specific drug information since not all the unwanted effects of medications are mentioned.
This Toolkit aims to support the understanding and implementation of integrated mental health programs in humanitarian settings. It provides a framework for essential steps and components, with associated key guidance and resources, that strengthen the integration process, and is primarily intended ...for (1) implementing agencies, but may also be useful for (2) donors, and (3) government actors. Users can access the three steps & three cross cutting components relevant to current program needs, or stages of programming.
Accessed August 7, 2019
Primary care - Putting people first: This chapter describes how primary care brings promotion and prevention, cure and care together in a safe, effective and socially productive way at the interface between the population and the health system.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and United NationsHuman Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) joint globalreport, Hidden cities: unmasking and overcoming healthinequities in urban settings, exposes the extent to whichcertain city dwellers suffer disproportionately from a wide range of diseases and ...health problems. This report provides information and tools to helpgovernments and local leaders reduce health inequities in their cities. The objective of the report is not tocompare rural and urban health inequities. Urban healthinequities need to be addressed specifically for they aredifferent in their magnitude and in their distribution.
e rapport conjoint de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé(OMS) et du Programme des Nations unies pour lesétablissements humains (ONU-Habitat), intitulé La Face cachéedes villes : Mettre au jour et vaincre les inégalités en santé enmilieu urbain, montre que certains habitants des villes sont...particulièrement exposés à une multitude de maladies et deproblèmes de santé. Ce rapport propose des informations et des outils dont lespouvoirs publics et les responsables locaux peuvent se servirpour lutter contre les inégalités en santé dans leur ville. Il n’apas pour objectif de comparer les inégalités en santé entrepopulations rurales et citadines. De fait, étant différentes depar leur ampleur et leur distribution, les inégalités en santédans les zones urbaines appellent des actions spécifiques.
Downloaded from https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/guidelines on 10/19/2019
Developed by the HHS Panel on Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical Management of Children Living with HIV—A Working Group of the Office
of AIDS Research Advisory Council (OARAC)
Chaque année dans le monde, plus de 500 000 femmes et filles meurent suite aux complications imputables à la
grossesse et à l’accouchement. Plus de 99% de ces décès surviennent dans des pays comme le Bénin. Et pourtant les
décès maternels ne racontent qu’une partie de la vérité. En e...ffet, pour chaque femme ou fille qui meurt de causes
imputables à la grossesse, il existe environ 20 à 30 en plus qui souffriront d’invalidités à court et à long termes,
telles que les fistules obstétricales, les ruptures utérines ou salpingite
El presente documento técnico tiene la finalidad de guiar el manejode cuidados intensivosde los pacientes conCOVID-19 con undoble objetivo: lograr el mejor tratamiento del paciente que contribuya a subuena evolución clínica; ygarantizar los niveles adecuados de prevención y control de la... infección para la protección de los trabajadores sanitarios y de la población en su conjunto.
This paper poses two applications of Catholic social teaching’s concepts of subsidiarity and participation to academic community engagement. The first pertains to the very general use of the term community. The second refers to a distinction between reciprocity and collaboration.
Workplaces outside of healthcare facilities can be also settings for transmission of COVID-19. Outbreaks of COVID-19 has been reported in various types of workplaces and job categories.
All workers should be protected from acquiring COVID-19 because of their work. The prevention of COVID-19 in ...work settings should be combined with measures for protecting physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing of workers from other occupational hazards in the operation, closures and reopening of workplaces.
This joint WHO/ILO policy brief provides a summary of the evidence for transmission of COVID-19 in general workplaces and an overview of WHO and ILO recommendations for prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 and for protecting health and safety at work in the context of the pandemic.
La presente publicación describe la evidencia científica disponible sobre la efectividad del uso de mascarillas o respiradores en la prevención y control de infecciones respiratorias virales incluido COVID-19 a nivel comunitario y hospitalario. Se identificaron 778 estudios publicados hasta abril... de 2020 como parte de la búsqueda sistemática de evidencias (320 población general y 452 personal de salud). Siete estudios fueron seleccionados para responder a las preguntas de investigación de los cuales cinco fueron ensayos clínicos respecto al subgrupo de población general y una revisión sistemática y un ensayo clínico respecto al subgrupo de personal de salud.
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Publicaciones Minsa sobre COVID-19
Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO) is the flagship publication of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It is a periodic report that summarizes the latest data on the status and trends of biodiversity and draws conclusions relevant to the further implementation of the Convention.
GBO-5 pro...vides global summary of progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and is based on a range of indicators, research studies and assessments (in particular the IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services), as well as the national reports provided by countries on their implementation of the CBD. The national reports provide rich information about the steps taken in countries worldwide in support of biodiversity conservation, sustainable use, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits. This body of Information provides a wealth of information on the successes and challenges in implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and in reaching the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.
This Outlook draws on the lessons learned during the first two decades of this century to clarify the transitions needed if we are to realize the vision agreed by world governments for 2050, ‘Living in Harmony with Nature’.
Rapport spécial du GIEC sur le changement climatique,
la désertification, la dégradation des sols, la gestion durable
des terres, la sécurité alimentaire et les flux de gaz à effet de
serre dans les écosystèmes terrestres
O SAGE aplica os princípios da medicina baseada em evidências e estabeleceu um processo metodológico completo para emitir ou atualizar recomendações. Especificamente para vacinas contra a COVID-19, uma descrição detalhada dos processos metodológicos pode ser encontrada no esquema de evidênc...ias do SAGE para vacinas contra a COVID-19. Esse esquema contém orientações sobre como levar em consideração os dados provenientes de ensaios clínicos em apoio à emissão de recomendações baseadas em evidências específicas para vacinas.