Human Rights, Minimum Standards and Monitoring at the European and International Levels
Harm Reduction Journal (2016) 13:28
DOI 10.1186/s12954-016-0118-x
Evidence from two pilot projects in India.
Public Health Situation Analysis and Interventions 10 October 2017
Towards a world free of tuberculosis
The Facilitator’s Guide for the basic-needs based Response Options Analysis and Planning (ROAP) is a step-by-step guide comprising tools and templates to carry out a multi-sectoral response analysis and planning of response options, in a sudden-onset or chronic crisis.
Being that so, the Guide i...s conceived to be applied hand in hand with the BNA Guidance and Toolbox, and other assessments methodologies. It is expected to assist in analysing data from different sources - including humanitarian staff’ own
knowledge and experience on the sector, cash, protection matters - to come up with response decisions
South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, EEJPH 2016, posted: 11 January 2016. DOI 10.4119/UNIBI/SEEJPH-2016-85
The report reviews progress with the task of planning and implementing measures necessary to secure a completely polio-free world. It also examines actions aimed at ensuring successful transfer of polio assets, innovations developed and lessons learned to countries’ public health programmes and ot...her global health priorities
DHS Comparative Reports No. 42
2006-2008 programme report