The manual provides suggestions for implementing the checklist, understanding that different practice settings will adapt it to their own circumstances.
The implementation manual is designed to help ensure that surgical teams are able to implement the checklist consistently. By following a few cri...tical steps, health care professionals can minimize the most common and avoidable risks endangering the lives and well-being of surgical patients
Joint WHO/ILO guidelines on post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV infection.
The study analyses the intersection of gender with disability issues by combining economic and social analysis across four states in India by using both quantitative and qualitative methods including gender analysis of disability budgets.
Pneumonia kills more children than any other illness – more than AIDS, malaria and measles combined. Over 2 million children die from pneumonia each year, accounting for almost 1 in 5 under five deaths worldwide. Yet, little attention is paid to this disease. This joint UNICEF/WHO report examines ...the epidemiological evidence on the burden and distribution of pneumonia and assesses current levels of treatment and prevention. It is a call to action to reduce pneumonia mortality, a key step towards the achievement of the millennium development goal on child mortality.
Le fonctionnement de la prise en charge des patients séropositifs au Bénin, le cas de l’Atacora
Данное руководство содержит детальное описание стратегии диагностики и ведения пациентов с лекарственно-устойчивыми формами ТБ, прежде всего с туберкулезом с мн...жественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ-ТБ). Оно составлено с учетом важных изменений, отмеченных за последние годы, и предназначено для практикующих медицинских работников и программ борьбы с ТБ в странах с умеренными и ограниченными ресурсами.
An in-depth analysis of the health-seeking behaviour of patients and health system response in seven countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region
The aim of this publication is to provide practical guidance for the first responders who will respond during the first few hours to a radiological emergency and for the national officials who would support this early response. This publication provides guidance in the form of action guides, instruc...tions and data that can be easily applied by a State to build a basic capability to respond to a radiological emergency.
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MOH Policy and Guidelines for Health Institutions