Ce document présente un résumé des mesures de lutte contre l’infection et de prévention qui est destiné à toute personne prodiguant directement ou indirectement des soins à des cas suspects ou confirmés de maladie à virus Ebola dans des établissements de santé
Documentation of Best Practices and Bottlenecks to Program Implementation in Senegal
Accessed at March 2014
Guidance Note. The recommended actions are presented under the different components (water supply, hygiene and hand washing, disinfection, solid waste management, latrine and wastewater management, and dead body management) of the defined Ebola Care Centre/Unit WASH package to complement community a...nd house-to-house level interventions
Guidelines for planning and provision of pastoral and social support services
This guidance document is designed to ensure that the process of iteratively managing the health risks of climate change is integrated into the overall National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process, including through assessing risks; identifying, prioritizing, and implementing adaptation options; and m...onitoring and evaluating the adaptation process.
Venturini et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14(Suppl 1):S5 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/14/S1/S5
An Independent Report
of the West Africa Commission on Drugs
This interim guidance is aimed at assisting organizers of international meetings attended by individuals from EVD-affected countries and individuals with a travel history to EVD-affected countries within the previous 3 weeks.
The first part is intended for organizers of international meetings, to ...safely plan and conduct these events. The second part is addressed to public health authorities directly involved in supporting such international meetings.
Le module de formation de niveau intermédiaire vise à soutenir la formation de personnel ou de volontaires, afin de fournir un fauteuil roulant manuel et un coussin appropriés aux filles, garçons, femmes et hommes qui nécessitent un soutien postural supplémentaire pour être en
mesure de se t...enir assis droit.
Evaluation report
September 2014
The summary of the infection prevention and control (IPC) measures is for anyone providing direct and non-direct care to patients with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus disease (EVD) in health-care facilities (HCFs). Essential IPC measures are also included in the Table which can be used as a stand...-alone tool.