This study aimed to estimate the proportion of Mozambicans eligible for pharmacological treatment for hypertension according to single risk factor and total cardiovascular risk approaches. It concluded that a total of 19.8% of 40–64-year-olds would be eligible for pharmacological treatment of hype...rtension according to the WHO guidelines, all of whom had SBP/DBP at least 160/100 mmHg.
Working with parent groups – a training resource for facilitators, parents, caregivers, and persons with cerebral palsy.
TThis manual aims to increase knowledge and skills in caring for a child with cerebral palsy. Research highlighted the significant needs of the caregivers, and how they can gai...n a huge amount of support from meeting with each other in an understanding environment.
It promotes a participatory learning approach with an emphasis on working with groups and the empowerment of parents and caregivers.
Download the manual and teaching materials for free, in English, French, Arabic or Spanish. A Chichewa (Malawi) version is also ready for sharing and the manual is being translated in a variety of other languages through the online community Working in the Community with Children with Cerebral Palsy
Schizophr Bull. 2014 Jan;40(1):192-213. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbs150. Epub 2012 Dec 17.
La prise en charge de la tuberculose représente un véritable défi en milieu carcéral et l’organisation de la continuité des soins à la sortie un enjeu majeur. Comme tout être humain, les détenus ont le droit de jouir du meilleur état de santé physique et mental possible. Ce droit est gar...anti par l’article 25 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme adoptée par l’Organisation des Nations Unies, et par l’article 12 du Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels. Ce travail fait un état des lieux sur la prise en charge de la tuberculose en milieu carcéral au Sénégal, depuis les stratégies de dépistage jusqu’à la continuité des soins après la sortie de prison.
La lutte contre la tuberculose est une des priorités du ministère de la santé. C’est ainsi que le Plan Stratégique National de lutte contre la Tuberculose 2013-2017 du Sénégal a inscrit dans son programme d’actions la préoccupation de mieux d’améliorer la prise en charge des personnes ...vulnérables, dont les prisonniers. L’état de santé est un indicateur clef du bien être de la société, et les prisons servent de miroir. Une bonne compréhension des conditions sanitaires des détenus pourrait contribuer à améliorer le système de santé publique d’un pays. L’environnement carcéral est bien reconnu comme un lieu où les conditions de vie sont propices à la concentration de l’ensemble des maladies de la société, en premier lieu, les morbidités infectieuses.
A tutorial for healthcare professionals
Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Subcommittee on Gastric Cancer | This consensus document on Management of Gallbladder cancers summarizes the modalities of treatment including the site-specific anti-cancer therapies, supportive and palliative care and molecular markers and research questions. It also ...interweaves clinical, biochemical and epidemiological studies.
In its report from 2014, the Working Group outlines the various factors influencing vaccine acceptance or refusal, and what can be done to create social norms around vaccine acceptance and to encourage the general public regarding the necessity of vaccination.
Travelers planning to conduct humanitarian work in areas where outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever and Marburg hemorrhagic fever are known to occur need to be familiar with how Ebola virus and Marburg virus are transmitted
The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from partic...ipating fully in society. The report also lays out some of the key elements of inclusive societies that respect and protect the rights of all children, regardless of disability, and progress in helping all children to flourish and make their contribution to the world.
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.
Division of Tuberculosis Elimination.
This manual is intended to enable WASH practitioners
who work in Mozambique to contribute to the
reduction of WASH-preventable NTDs.
This package of materials is designed to provide the tools necessary to begin the implementation of respectful maternity care (RMC) in your area of work or influence. Using the tools in this toolkit, one can help to change and develop attitudes in oneself and among colleagues and other stakeholders the care of women and their newborns.
The components of this toolkit can be used by clinicians who are providing maternity care, trainers or educators of clinicians who will be providing maternity care, supervisors of clinicians who provide maternity care, program managers who develop and manage programs with a maternity care component, and policymakers or other key stakeholders who want to promote RMC in the programs for which they are responsible.