Accessed on 03.03.2020
Cet article documente le processus de mise en œuvre du Traitement préventif intermittent TPI), une stratégie de prévention du paludisme dont l’administration est couplée au Programme élargi de vaccination (PEV) dans les services de santé, les réactions des prestat...aires, des populations et leurs facteurs explicatifs. Les résultats montrent que l’absence de connaissances adéquates à propos du TPI n’a pas empêché son appropriation par les communautés, dans la mesure où les perceptions lui accordent une valeur pratique et l’intègrent dans les besoins ressentis. C’est pourquoi les enfants ont reçu, dans la grande majorité, les médicaments administrés. Certains comportements en décalage s’expliquent plus par des contraintes, des insuffisances du système de santé et de vaccination que par un refus. Chez les prestataires de soins, l’information a été plus disponible du côté les infirmiers étatiques. Cependant, les processus de détournement et les attitudes d’indifférence étaient plus visibles chez ces derniers.
Policy brief, 24 July 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected older people disproportionately, especially those living in long-term care facilities. In many countries, evidence shows that more than 40% of COVID-19 related deaths have been linked to long-term care facilities, with figures being as h...igh as 80% in some high-income countries. Concerted action is needed to mitigate the impact across all aspects of long-term care, including home- and community-based care, given that most users and providers of care are those who are vulnerable to severe COVID-19.
This policy brief provides 11 policy objectives and key action points to prevent and manage COVID-19 across long-term care. Its intended audience is policy makers and authorities (national, subnational and local) involved in the COVID-19 pandemic. The brief builds on currently available evidence on the measures taken to prevent, prepare for and respond to the COVID‑19 pandemic across long-term care services including care providers
This strategic document is relevant to the diverse contexts that exist across the WHO European Region, and to countries implementing a wide range of national and subnational responses. The strategy is flexible and adaptable to national and subnational contexts and guides countries in rapidly bringin...g COVID-19 cases under control, and in preparing for a phased transition from a widespread transmission to a steady state of low-level or no transmission.
Accessed on 13.02.2020
Tirer pleinement profit du dividende démographique, mettre fin à l’épidémie de sida et assurer durablement la santé pour tous en Afrique.
Ce rapport plaide pour une nouvelle initiative majeure : recruter, former et déployer rapidement 2 millions d’agents de s...anté communautaires en Afrique. S’appuyant sur un vaste éventail de preuves et une solide expérience régionale, le rapport montre comment les agents de santé communautaires sauvent des vies et améliorent la qualité de vie. Il montre également comment les investissements dans les agents de santé communautaires exploitent efficacement le dividende démographique, réduisent l’inégalité entre les sexes et accélèrent la croissance économique et le développement. En effet, les avantages des agents de santé communautaires s’étendent sur l’ensemble du programme de développement durable.
Orientações provisórias23 de Abrilde2020
Previous pandemics have demonstrated that more people could die from the indirect consequences of an outbreak than from the disease itself. As the fight against the pandemic is pushing millions into poverty and hunger, COVID-19 will likely be no different.
The Government of the Republic of Zambia has placed priority on ensuring that Zambians are healthy and productive as a catalyst to the attainment of socioeconomic development . The Vision 2030 aims to transform Zambia into a prosperous middle-income country as articulated also in the 7th National De...velop-ment Plan (7NDP) and National Health Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 (NHSP 2017-2020). However, this aspiration is threatened by the double burden of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseas¬es. Zambia has been recording an increase in morbidity and mortality due to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as cancers, diabetes, chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. According to the 2016 WHO NCD country profiles, 29% of all deaths in Zambia are attributed to NCDs. This is unacceptably high, considering that most of these diseases can be reduced by modifying four main behavioural risk factors for NCDs which are tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity.
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.
9 September 2020
In a snapshot, fair allocation of vaccines will occur in the following way:
An initial proportional allocation of doses to countries until all countries reach enough quantities to cover 20% of their population
This document is also available in Arabic | Chinese | French | R...ussian | Spanish | Portuguese
A follow-up phase to expand coverage to other populations. If severe supply constraints persist, a weighted allocation approach would be adopted, taking account of a country’s COVID threat and vulnerability.
The document is a final working document and may be adjusted in the future as new information about the vaccines and the epidemiology of COVID-19 becomes available.
Consensual Recommendation for treatment of COVID-19 in older adults
Consolidated recommendations for palliative care in the SARS pandemic-Cov-2/COVID-19 2020
Ce document est consolidé par OCHA pour le compte de l’Équipe humanitaire pays et des partenaires humanitaires. Il présente une compréhension commune de la crise, notamment les besoins humanitaires les plus pressants et le nombre estimé de personnes ayant besoin d’assistance. Il constitue base factuelle aidant à informer la planification stratégique conjointe de la réponse.
Les désignations employées et la présentation des éléments dans le présent rapport ne signifient pas l’expression de quelque opinion que ce soit de la part du Secrétariat des Nations unies concernant le statut juridique d’un pays, d’un territoire, d’une ville ou d’une zone ou de leurs autorités ou concernant la délimitation de ses frontières ou de ses limites.
2,202,059* South Sudanese refugees in the region as of 31 October 2019 (preand post-Dec 2013 caseload).
65,669* South Sudanese refugee’s arrivals so far in 2019, with 4,389 refugee arrivals in October 2019.
297,135 Refugees in South Sudan and 1.46 million IDPs with 12% inside six UNMISS Prot...ection of Civilians sites.
Accountability for the global health sector strategies, 2016–2021