Межведомственный постоянный комитет (МПК) подготовил данное Руководство с целью оказания помощи гуманитарным организациямв планировании, осуществлении и коорди...ации ряда мультисекторныхмер минимального реагирования, направленных на защиту и улучшение психического здоровья, а также психосоциального благополучия в разгарчрезвычайной ситуации.
Руководство включает матрицу с рекомендациями по планированиюв период чрезвычайной ситуации, действия, необходимые на ранних стадиях чрезвычайной ситуации, а также комплексные меры реагирования на этапе восстановления и реабилитации. Матрица – ценный инструмент дляприменения на этапах координации, сотрудничества и защиты интересов. Данный инструмент дает схему для определения объемов осуществленияважных первых шагов реагирования во время чрезвычайной ситуации.
Migrants are less familiar in their new environment in which they temporarily live. They are prone to various social, psychological and emotional trauma in such situations, emanating from fear of neglect by the local community and concerns about wellbeing and safety of their families waiting in thei...r native places. Migrants are forced to leave their native places in search of better opportunities and earnings, sometime leaving behind their families. In many instances, the families in native places depend partially or entirely on the money sent by the migrant earning members of the family.
The curriculum, which complements the national pediatric ART training, was finalized in 2011 and was subsequently implemented nationally. The training curriculum includes a 15-module Trainer Manual, a Participant Manual, and accompanying PowerPoint slides.
Over 1 million people, including an estimated 450,000 children, are affected by Myanmar’s decade-long conflict and are increasingly vulnerable to gender-based violence, exploitation, abuse, detention and trafficking.
Community transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is increasing in... Myanmar. COVID-19 requires a nationwide response focusing on critical urban and vulnerable populations, such as those in overcrowded camps for internally displaced persons.
Third Stocktaking Report, 2008
Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS
The guidance provides critical considerations and practical checklists to keep schools safe. It also advises national and local authorities on how to adapt and implement emergency plans for educational facilities.
In the event of school closures, the guidance includes recommendations to mitigate... against the possible negative impacts on children’s learning and wellbeing. This means having solid plans in place to ensure the continuity of learning, including remote learning options such as online education strategies and radio broadcasts of academic content, and access to essential services for all children. These plans should also include necessary steps for the eventual safe reopening of schools.
Where schools remain open, and to make sure that children and their families remain protected and informed.
A new brief published by the IFRC and Climate Centre today details the adverse impacts of climate change on human health and provides more detail on the second of four pillars of action in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement ambitions on climate.
Almost two years after the signing of the Political Accord for Peace and Reconciliation (APPR), the Central African population is still hostage to an unstable and unpredictable security environment. Continuing conflicts in several areas of the country, structural weaknesses combined with the socio-e...conomic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the devastating effects of natural disasters have plunged 2.6 million people into dire needs. Of this total, 1.6 million have severe humanitarian needs, a figure unmatched for five years, reflecting a deterioration in the physical and mental well-being and living conditions of populations across the country.
UNICEF Syria’s series of think pieces. Every day counts. An outlook on child protection for the most vulnerable children in Syria.To navigate the complex and continuously changing context and attain sustainable results for children, UNICEF – along with other UN agencies - seeks to make a shift i...n its programming towards early recovery while maintaining the delivery of humanitarian assistance based on needs on the ground. This will help strengthen the linkages between the needs-based emergency response and essential service restoration, socioeconomic resilience, and social cohesion.
Ukraine situation
- 7 million internally displaced in Ukraine (IDP) (OCHA, Ukraine Situation Report, 21 September 2022)
- 3.3 million children in need in Ukraine (UNICEF HAC as of August 23 2022)
- 17.7 million people in need in Ukraine (UNICEF HAC as of August 23 2022)
- 2.3 million children ta...rgeted by UNICEF Response in Ukraine from March to December 2022 (UNICEF revised HAC as of October 2022)
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine progresses, the civilian population and the Armed Forces face enormous challenges. It is unsurprising that people's mental health deteriorate in such conditions. This Issue Brief provides publications and informative resources highlighting the impact on Mental Health.