Interim Guidance. This document provides guidance for: screening and triage of pregnant women in the context of an Ebola outbreak; infection prevention and control (IPC) precautions for pregnant women at risk of EVD transmission during childbirth and complication management; management of pregnant... EVD cases, contacts and survivors; lactation and Ebola virus disease.
Healthcare Waste Management Toolkit for Global Fund Practitioners and Policy Makers. Part B
The flip book is for pre-deployment trainings for Ebola response, and is based on frequently asked questions about Ebola virus disease (EVD):
What is Ebola virus disease?
How do people become infected with EVD?
Why WHO is focusing on safe and dignified burials of people who have died ...from Ebola?
Who is most at risk?
What are the symptoms of Ebola infection?
What treatment is available for Ebola?
Zero Draft for Consultation, 3rd Version, November 2015
The scope includes the assessment of activities to improve the response to affected populations, stakeholders, partners and donors, building on lessons learnt so far in this outbreak.
Second interim report to the SMAC program, DFID Freetown
This report provides further output from an anthropological study of 25 villages affected by Ebola Virus Disease in eastern and central Sierra Leone, undertaken as part of the DFID-funded social mobilization initiative for Ebola prevention in... Sierra Leone. Eight focus group transcripts for 3 villages in Kenema District are presented, covering local responses to health issues, and Ebola in particular. Supporting material from a matching questionnaire-based study of health behavior and perceived causes of Ebola is also provided. Of particular relevance are two summary tables aggregating the questions villagers asked survey teams about Ebola and quarantine-related issues in villages where the epidemic has in effect ceased to be active
Lessons from a decade of Progress
Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak Response Plan in West Africa. Annex 2
Joint WHO/ILO Briefing Note for Workers and Employers updated 5 September 2014