Fact sheet -Updated November 2015
The modules (1-12) are based on materials originally developed by FIND, KNCV and Cepheid, and are in PowerPoint format for country customization. Depending on the audience, modules may be selected and adapted according to need (e.g. basic users, supervisors, clinicians). Topics covered include: Over...view of TB and diagnostics, biosafety, specimen collection, procurement, installation, Xpert MTB/RIF technology, results interpretation, reporting, troubleshooting, maintenance, a clinical guide, and quality assurance.
Please download each manual directliy from the website
Investigación original / Original research
Panam Salud Publica. 2016;39(1):38–43.
Epidemiology, Control, and Financing
Report of a mission 20–24 April 2015
PQM conducted an assessment of the medicine quality assurance and quality control systems in Rwanda during November 9-13, 2009. Medicine quality assurance remains to be developed in Rwanda: the country has neither a medicine regulatory authority (MRA) nor a national medicine quality control laborato...ry – the two key institutions to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of medicines. The MOH Pharmacy Taskforce (PTF) is to be commended however for successfully controlling the pharmaceutical market to the extent that there is no informal medicines market in Rwanda. Based on its findings, the assessment team expects Rwanda to be able to make great strides in evidence-based medicines quality assurance in the short to medium term, provided it receives adequate technical assistance and financial support.
These guidelines for the National Pharmacovigilance and Medicine Information System in Rwanda have been developed to ensure that safe, efficacious and quality medicines are made available to all Rwandans.
This year marked the beginning of the WHO biennium 2016-2017 action plan; this annual report highlights WHO’s key achievements in 2016
It also documents the extraordinary efforts by a broad coalition of government ministries, municipalities, international agencies, community groups, women’s or...ganizations, religious and traditional leaders, media, private sector and donors towards restoration and improving health indicators.
Substance use disorders
Chapter G.3
Other disorders
Chapter H.5.1
Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Chapter I.4
Информационный бюллетень содержит краткое изложение новой стратегии Глобального фонда, опыта, накопленного в ходе первого цикла финансирования на основе выделен...ия ресурсов, приоритетных направлений профилактики ТБ, реализации программ по уходу и лечению и включает рекомендации по определению или выявлению основных затронутых или уязвимых к туберкулезу групп населения и выбору приоритетных с точки зрения достижения наибольшего воздействия мероприятий по ТБ.