Le projet a pour objectif sectoriel de contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs de développement du millénaire dans le domaine de la santé au Bénin : réduction de la mortalité infantile, amélioration de la santé maternelle, lutte contre les IST/VIH/SIDA, le paludisme et aut...res maladies. Les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants: i) améliorer l’offre et la qualité des services de santé ; et ii) augmenter l’utilisation des services de santé. Le projet comprend trois composantes : i) amélioration de l’accessibilité à des services de santé de qualité; ii) promotion de la santé materno-infantile et lutte contre la maladie et iii) Gestion du projet.
EU Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being
The report summarizes key global health expenditure patterns and trends, and illustrates the potential of the new database to inform thinking about financing reforms to progress towards UHC, and also raises issues for further research. It analyses the following areas:
World Drug Report 2018
World Drug Report 2018
World Drug Report 2018
Other disorders Chapter H.1
Externalizing disorders
Chapter 1.1
Joint data assessment by the Central Statistical Organization and UNDP
The report shows that the National Statistical System of Myanmar has some work ahead of it in terms of preparing for the monitoring of the SDG indicators. Only 44 of the SDG indicators are currently produced and readily avai...lable at the national level. However, the good news is that many (97) of the missing indicators can be computed from existing data sources – often with little effort - and don’t require any additional data collection. The report concludes that Myanmar is in a decent position to start monitoring the SDGs, and should start as soon as possible in putting its existing data to full use for the SDGs.
This Technical Brief reviews current practice and evidence on nutrition-specific preventive approaches to MAM, providing practical guidance for implementers and programme managers, and highlighting gaps in evidence and guidance.
Amphetamine-type stimulants, new psychoactive substances
World Drug Report 2017
Accessed: 14.03.2019
New criteria for classifying and diagnosing hyperglycaemia first detected during pregnancy have been accepted by a group of experts convened by WHO. These new criteria are an update of recommendations published by WHO in 1999
EMCDDA Insights - 11
Accessed: 14.03.2019