Cовершенствование теоретических знаний и практических навыков по вопросам диагностики и лечения туберкулеза с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ) ми...кобактерий.
These guidelines have been developed for scientific purpose with the main aim to guide the regulatory authority for evaluating probiotic products in our country.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 24–25 August 2017
Sub-Saharan African Journal of Medicine: Year : 2014 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 1 | Page : 1-14
La evolución de los acontecimientos y el esfuerzo conjunto de la comunidad científica mundial, hangeneradogran cantidad de información que se modificarápidamente con nuevas evidencias. Este documento pretende hacer unresumen analítico de la evidencia científica dispo...niblehasta el momento en torno a la epidemiología, características microbiológicas y clínicas del COVID-19.En esta actualización se añaden los hallazgos acerca de la transmisiónen periodo asintomático y a partir de aerosoles y superficies inanimadas, así como las características de los principales grupos de riesgo. Para información relativa a medicamentos relacionados con COVID-19 se puede consultar la web de la Agencia Española del Medicamento y ProductosSanitarios: https://www.aemps.gob.es/
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, and transmitted to humans by infected triatomine bugs, and less commonly by transfusion, organ transplant, from mother to infant, and in rare instances, by ingestion of contaminated food or... drink.1-4 The hematophagous triatomine vectors defecate during or immediately after feeding on a person. The parasite is present in large numbers in the feces of infected bugs, and enters the human body through the bite wound, or through the intact conjunctiva or other mucous membrane.
Vector-borne transmission occurs only in the Americas, where an estimated 8 to 10 million people have Chagas disease.5 Historically, transmission occurred largely in rural areas in Latin America, where houses built of mud brick are vulnerable to colonization by the triatomine vectors.4 In such areas, Chagas disease usually is acquired in childhood. In the last several decades, successful vector control programs have substantially decreased transmission rates in much of Latin America, and large-scale migration has brought infected individuals to cities both within and outside of Latin America.
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, and transmitted to humans by infected triatomine bugs, and less commonly by transfusion, organ transplant, from mother to infant, and in rare instances, by ingestion of contaminated food or drink.1-4 The... hematophagous triatomine vectors defecate during or immediately after feeding on a person. The parasite is present in large numbers in the feces of infected bugs, and enters the human body through the bite wound, or through the intact conjunctiva or other mucous membrane.
WHO practical guidelines. 2nd edition
2nd edition. A Guide to Managing Medicines for All Health Workers. Available for purchase via following link https://www.twn.my/title2/books/HAI.htm
Where there are no trained pharmacists serving communities, other categories of health workers are called upon to order, buy, store, dispense and ad...vise people on rational use of medicines. Where There Are No Pharmacists explains how to order them, store them, prepare them, dispense them and use them safely and effectively - it is about managing medicines. Information to help communities benefit from the use of medicines is also included.
This book walks readers through each step, covering topics ranging from policy issues to patient education. It provides guidance for anyone who is doing the work of a pharmacist; anyone who sells, dispenses, prepares, manages, or explains to others how to use medicines.
Meeting Report
27–30 June 2017 Manila, Philippines