Working in partnership with international agencies and experts in the field, we exist to support and unite the global effort to promote mental health. We are all passionate about catalysing greater action on mental health and many of us have first-hand experience of living with a condition ourselves....
We provide advocacy, campaigning and financial support to global institutions, businesses, communities and individual changemakers seeking greater action on global mental health.
Do you need mental health support?
Talking about mental health is really important. However it can be difficult for some and can trigger a strong emotional response. United for Global Mental Health is not a provider of mental health support services or guidance. If you feel you need support with your mental health please ensure you seek the appropriate support from your local health care facility, local community group that specialises in mental health or (if available) a national helpline. (Countries: UK; India; Nigeria; South Africa; New Zealand; Australia)
The drugs issue cuts across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and multiple Sustainable Development Goals, including ending poverty, reducing inequalities, and, of course, improving health, with its targets on drug use, HIV, and other communicable diseases. Goal 16 on peace, justice, and st...rong institutions is particularly important, requiring attention to human rights across the Sustainable Development Goals. Since the late 1990s, United Nations (UN) General Assembly resolutions have acknowledged that ‘countering the world drug problem’ must be carried out ‘in full conformity’ with ‘all human rights and fundamental freedoms’.1 This has been reaffirmed in every major UN political declaration on drug control since, and in multiple resolutions adopted by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.2 The reality, however, has not always lived up to this important commitment.
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) is an integrated approach to child health that focuses on the holistic well-being of the child. IMCI aims to reduce death, illness and disability, and to promote improved growth and development among children under five years of age. IMCI includes preventive and curative elements that are implemented by families and communities as well as by health facilities.
This booklet contains useful information on childhood sickness and offers practical guidance on diagnosis and treatment of said illnesses. it is divided into 2 parts, one for infants (new born until 2 months) and from 2 months to 5 years. It also includes:
Antiretroviral Therapy ART) treatment for children
Skin problems
Counselling the mother or caregiver on infant and you child feeding
Managing Sexual Violence against Aid Workers aims to support aid agencies in preventing, being prepared for and responding to incidents of sexual violence against their staff. It is intended as a good practice guide to help strengthen existing processes and support organisations as they set up their... own protocols.
This guide is aimed at anyone with a responsibility for staff care, safety and security, as well as anyone involved in processes aimed at preventing or responding to incidents of sexual violence against staff, such as security focal points, HR staff, project and programmes staff, and first responders to incidents of sexual violence within an aid organisation.
Current and expected problems such as ageing, increased prevalence of chronic conditions and multi-morbidity, increased emphasison healthy lifestyle and prevention, and substitution for care from hospitals by care provided in the community encourage countries worldwide to develop new models of prima...ry care delivery. Owing to the fact that many tasks do not necessarily require the knowledge and skills of a doctor, interest in using nurses to expand the capacity of the primary care workforce is increasing. Substitution of nurses for doctors is one strategy used to improve access, efficiency, and quality of care. This is the first update of the Cochrane review published in 2005.
Spread of resistance to antimicrobial agents (AMR) does not know national borders and has reached dimensions, which require immediate actions at the national, regional and global levels.
Antibiotic resistance is a natural biological response to improper use of antimicrobial agents (AMA); increasing... number of essential drugs, which become ineffective, contributing to selection, survival and replication of resistant strains of microorganisms. When chosen antimicrobials prove to be ineffective, the second- or third-line drugs need to be used although
in the majority of cases these drugs are more expensive, less safe and not always available.
Observations from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) WHO collaborative cross-national study
Guide dédié à la formation des agents de changement sur la sensibilisation à la lutte contre le paludisme en milieu communautaire.
Ce guide se concentre sur le processus impliqué dans l’adoption de nouvelles attitudes et développe une stratégie de conscientisation et de mobilisation social...e visant à l’appropriation des populations de la lutte contre le paludisme à travers le pays. Au-delà du personnel sanitaire chargé de programmes sur le paludisme, la campagne s’adresse directement aux habitants des communautés bénéficiaires. Ainsi, elle tient compte des orientations du plan stratégique national de lutte contre le paludisme.
How do local authorities and humanitarian agencies collaborate when refugees are in transit? An IIED-supported research project is looking at the transit refugee response in Croatia.
Guide de poche pour l’agent de santé en première ligne
Ce guide s’intéresse plus particulièrement à certaines fièvres hémorragiques virales (FHV) Ebola, Marburg, FHCC, fièvre de Lassa [et Lujo] – qui surviennent en Afrique et risquent de donner lieu à une transmission interhumaine. I...l ne traite pas de la prise en charge d’autres infections virales, comme la dengue, la fièvre de la vallée du Rift et la fièvre jaune, qui entraînent également des manifestations hémorragiques, mais pour lesquelles il n’y a pas de transmission directe d’une personne à une autre
Key Recommendations for an Inclusive Urban Agenda
This paper aims to understand the agency that caregivers who participated in a CBR empowerment component programme exercised, in order to promote the rights of their children with disabilities to a basic education.
(New 2015)
Scoping question: In school students aged 14-‐‑15 years, are school-‐‑based interventions effective in reducing deaths from suicide and suicide attempts compared to care-‐‑as-‐‑usual?
The potential for terrorist use of chemical agents is a noted concern highlighted by the Tokyo sarin gas attacks of 1995. The events of September 11, 2001, increased congressional attention towards reducing the vulnerability of the United States to such unconventional attacks. The
possibility that... terrorist groups might obtain insecure chemical weapons led to increased scrutiny of declared Libyan chemical weapon stockpiles following the fall of the Qadhafi regime. Experts have expressed similar concerns regarding the security and use of Syrian chemical weapons,
reportedly including stocks of nerve (sarin, VX) and blister (mustard gas) agents.
Manuel de formation pour les agents de santé communautaire pour l'évaluation des signes de danger et l'administration d'un traitement préalable au transfert immédiat vers une structure de santé.
Ce manuel a été développé par le Programme Spécial de Recherche et de Formation concernant Maladies Tropicales (TDR) pour aider à la formation des Agents de Santé Communautaire (ASC) sur l'utilisation de l'artésunate par voie rectale comme traitement de pré-transfert.
Ceci est fondé sur la stratégie de prise en charge intégrée des maladies de l'enfant (lMCI), et une publication antérieure "Caring for the sick child in the community» qui avait été produite par le Département Santé de la mère, du nouveau-né, de l'enfant et de l'adolescent de l'OMS.
Caring for the Sick Child age 2 months up to 5 years. Chart Booklet
La guía de aprendizaje 4 está destinada a todos los agentes de salud que van a ayudar a las personas con afectación neural a desarrollar unos hábitos de vida para cuidar sus ojos, manos y pies.
Le Guide d'apprentissage 2 est destiné à tous les agents de santé qui auraient à prendre en charge des complications pour la lèpre. Il contient des conseils pratiques pour la reconnaissance des réactions lépreuses et leur traitment correct. Il comprend aussi des conseils pour la référence e...t le traitement spécialisé.
La atención concedida a la equidad en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible obliga a encontrar nuevas formas de ampliar progresivamente los servicios a las poblaciones que no los reciben. Las alianzas satisfactorias entre el sector encargado del suministro de agua, el saneamiento y la higien...e (WASH, por su sigla en inglés) y los programas de lucha contra las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETD) pueden contribuir a lograr esta aspiración. Sin embargo, colaborar para encontrar juntos esas nuevas formas, exige nuevos modos de pensar. En esta edición corregida se presenta un conjunto de herramientas para ayudar a los países y los programas de lucha contra la ETD a colaborar con la comunidad relacionada con las acciones de agua, saneamiento e higiene, y guía en la creación de alianzas, en la movilización de recursos y en el diseño, la aplicación y la evaluación de las intervenciones. Más que una guía de “buenas prácticas”, se trata de un conjunto de herramientas basadas en la experiencia adquirida en la realidad de un programa.