COVID-19 e oxigênio: Os dados da China sugerem que embora a maioria das pessoas com COVID-19 tenham doença leve (40%) ou moderada (40%), cerca de 15% apresentam doença grave que requer oxigenoterapia, e 5% ficam em estado crítico e precisam de tratamento em uma unidade de terapia intensiva. Alé...m disso, a maioria dos pacientes críticos com COVID-19 precisará de ventilação mecânica.2,3 Por esses motivos, as unidades de saúde que tratam da COVID-19 devem estar equipadas com oxímetros de pulso, sistemas de oxigênio em funcionamento, incluindo interfaces de administração de oxigênio de uso único. A oxigenoterapia é recomendada para todos os pacientes graves e críticos com COVID-19, em doses baixas, variando de 1-2 L/min em crianças e começando com 5 L/min em adultos com cânula nasal, fluxos moderados para o uso em máscara de Venturi (6-10 L/min); ou fluxos mais altos (10-15 L/min) com o uso de uma máscara com bolsa reservatório. Além disso, o oxigênio pode ser administrado em fluxos mais altos e em concentrações maiores, usando uma cânula nasal de alto fluxo (CNAF)
orientaciones provisionales, 23 de abril de 2020
Kenya reported its first case of COVID-19 on 12 March 2020 and, as at 7 April 2020, 172 cases had been confirmed and 6 deaths reported. The Government of Kenya has taken a number of measures to curb the spread of the virus, including implementing a curfew, restricting movement out and into four coun...ties, including Nairobi Metropolitan, and closing most of the urban and rural markets to enforce social distancing. However, these measures, along with the global economic shock caused by the pandemic, are expected to generate new needs, requiring an immediate and urgent response.
Este documento ha sido revisado y aprobado por la Ponencia de Alertas y Planes de Preparación y Respuesta. Este protocolo está en revisión permanente en función de la evolución y nueva información que se disponga de la infección por el nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 ) .
El presente documento técnico tiene la finalidad de guiar el manejode cuidados intensivosde los pacientes conCOVID-19 con undoble objetivo: lograr el mejor tratamiento del paciente que contribuya a subuena evolución clínica; ygarantizar los niveles adecuados de prevención y control de la... infección para la protección de los trabajadores sanitarios y de la población en su conjunto.
Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is an essential component of your health emergency preparedness and response action plan. This tool is designed to support risk communication, community engagement staff and responders working with national health authorities, and other partners to ...develop, implement and monitor an effective action plan for communicating effectively with the public, engaging with communities, local partners and other stakeholders to help prepare and protect individuals, families and the public’s health during early response to COVID-19.
Social distancing is an action taken to minimise contact with other individuals; social distancing measures comprise one category of non-pharmaceutical countermeasures (NPCs)1 aimed at reducing disease transmission and thereby also reducing pressure on health services.
This document builds upon exi...sting ECDC documents, including guidelines for the use of non-pharmaceutical measures to delay and mitigate the impact of 2019-nCoV, a rapid risk assessment: outbreak of novel coronavirus disease – 5th update, a technical report on the use of evidence in decision-making during public health emergencies, and a guidance document on community engagement for public health events caused by communicable disease threats in the EU/EEA.
La capacidad de respuesta de un hospital puede ser superada por la llegada masiva de pacientes que soliciten atención médica como consecuencia de una situación de emergencia. Ante este escenario, se debe considerar si el establecimiento de salud está organizado para garantizar la gestión de la respuesta hospitalaria, el funcionamiento de los mecanismos de coordinación, el manejo integral de la información, las capacidades logísticas para facilitar la respuesta, y los recursos necesarios para su ejecución, así como para una respuesta integral a los pacientes, precautelando la salud y bienestar de los trabajadores de salud. (7)
According to the United Nations, Yemen has been the "Worst humanitarian crisis in the world," for the past two years. Despite the Hudaydah Agreement signed in December 2018, the fighting continued in many areas of the country, such as Hajjah in the north, Al Dhale' e in the south and Hudaydah along ...the west coast. Within a year, another 400,000 Yemenis were forced to flee their homes, eventually adding up to one-eighth of the entire Yemeni population who had become displaced at least once, over the last five years.
In 2019, unprecedented heavy rain and flooding from May onwards caused catastrophic damage to homes and the families’ livelihoods, adding to their misery. Thousands of families who had already lost their home due to the fighting had yet again, their temporary shelters, beddings and essential kitchen supplies, destroyed.
Medizinische KlinikIntensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
Laboratory Biossafety Manual
Em 22 de janeiro de 2020, foi ativado o Centro de Operações de Emergências em Saúde Pública para o novo Coronavírus (COE – nCoV), estratégia prevista no Plano Nacional de Resposta às Emergências em Saúde Pública do Ministério da Saúde.
O novo Coronavírus (2019-nCoV) é um vírus ide...ntificado como a causa de um surto de doença respiratória detectado pela primeira vez em Wuhan, China.
Desde 2005, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) está aprimorando suas capacidades de responder às emergências por síndromes respiratórias, dispondo de planos, protocolos, procedimentos e guias para identificação, monitoramento e resposta às emergências em saúde pública.
La Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Producto Sanitarios (AEMPS) está monitorizando de manera continua con los expertos de las agencias europeas, la EMA y el resto de agencias mundiales todos los datos relativos al uso de medicamentos para tratar la COVID-19. Se trata de... un escenario que puede ir cambiando por la enorme cantidad de datos, comunicaciones y publicaciones que se están generando a nivel mundial. El presente documento técnico tiene la finalidad de guiar el manejoclínicode los pacientes conCOVID-19 con un doble objetivo: lograr el mejor tratamiento del paciente que contribuya a su buena evolución clínica; y garantizar los niveles adecuados de prevención y control de la infección para la protección de los trabajadores sanitarios y de la población en su conjunto.
Five years after a global commitment to Fast-Track the HIV response and end AIDS by 2030, the world is off track. A promise to build on the momentum created in the first decade of the twenty-first century by front-loading investment and accelerating HIV service provision has been fulfilled by too fe...w countries.
Five years after a global commitment to Fast-Track the HIV response and end AIDS by 2030, the world is off track. A promise to build on the momentum created in the first decade of the twenty-first century by front-loading investment and accelerating HIV service provision has been fulfilled by too fe...w countries.
This assessment tool is to support municipalities and local authorities in identifying the risks and vulnerabilities that refugees and migrants face and to identify gaps where possible methods to minimize the impact of the pandemic exist so that they can be prioritized within local policy processes.
The target audience for this training course is non-clinicians such as Home Based Carers, Community Caregivers, Youth Care Workers, Peer educators, Community Health Workers etc. primarily those who will be providing adherence counselling to clients with HIV, TB, Hypertension and Diabetes. This group... of non-clinicians play a vital role in helping to reduce the workload of nursing staff. Amongst others, non- clinicians educate clients and provide emotional support in a manner that makes each client feel like they are receiving focused, individual attention. Non-clinicians are often in close contact with communities and, therefore, able to understand and play a role in alleviating health service barriers in the community.
Facility managers may also be part of the target audience in order to ensure that they understand the components of the minimum package of interventions to support linkage, adherence and retention in care.
Further, their attendance seeks to ensure that non-clinicians receive necessary assistance and support when they have to implement what they have learned back into their workplaces.
A summary of health effects, resources, and adaptation examples from health departments funded by CDC’s Climate and Health Program