Report of the Joint World Health Organization–Brien Holden Vision Institute Global Scientific Meeting on Myopia | University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 16–18 March 2015
The unmet need for palliative care in Cox’s Bazar
This is an updated introductory two-page document that defines AIDS vaccines and reviews key developments in the field.
No publication year indicated.
Endorsed by the CCM Georgia on April 15th 2015
Accessed: 26.09.2019
UNICEF’s Global HIV Response 2018 – 2021
Accessed: 02.11.2019
.This assessment was conducted using focus group discussion(FGD)with peopleliving with disabilities who were members of the Ethiopian National Association of the Deaf(Person with hearing impairment), Ethiopian National Association of the Deaf -Blind ( Person with hearing and visual impairment), Ethi...opian National Association of the Blind (Person with visual impairment), Ethiopian National Association of the Physically Handicapped (Person with physical impairment), Ethiopian National Association of Intellectual Disability (Person with intellectual disability). In total 152 people living with disabilities participated in the discussion groups.Results from the assessment were analysed based on themes and are presented by each group in the following report.
ournal of Public Health in Africa 2021; volume 12:2009
Regional training package
Global and regional estimates of violence against women
he report presents the first global systematic review of scientific data on the prevalence of two forms of violence against women: violence by an intimate partner (intimate partner violence) and sexual violence by someone other than a partner ...(non-partner sexual violence). It shows, for the first time, global and regional estimates of the prevalence of these two forms of violence, using data from around the world. Previous reporting on violence against women has not differentiated between partner and non-partner violence. You can download the report in different languages