These guidelines are informed by evidence of ‘what works’ and lessons learned in the field. They are designed to accelerate UNICEF regional and country offices’ programming on social service workforce strengthening, and support work to better plan, develop and support the social services workf...orce with national and regional partners.
The magnitude and complexity of these mental health conditions caused by prolonged and extensive trauma requires a diagnosis fitting the unique context of the Syrian conflict. Over half a million people have been killed since the beginning of the conflict in 2011, and more than 6.4 million are inter...nally displaced with over 5 million living as refugees. SAMS documents the multi-dimensional nature of mental health disorders afflicting Syrians, including accounts of refugee experiences from Eastern Ghouta, Idlib, and beyond. This qualitative report seeks to raise awareness about increasing mental health needs, while sharing personal stories of those who have been affected by the trauma of the conflict.
Web annex 5: Oxytocin and ergometrine versus placebo or no treatment
Evidence to decision framework
Also available in English.
Esta nueva edición del Informe sobre control del tabaco en la Región de las Américas presenta la situación actual y las tendencias de la epidemia del tabaquismo en la Región de las Américas, así como de la aplicación de seis medidas efectivas para combatirla conoc...idas como el paquete de medidas MPOWER. El informe cuenta con las contribuciones de autores invitados, quienes comparten sus puntos de vista sobre temas de alto interés para la Región, como es el Protocolo para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de Productos de Tabaco, la regulación de nuevos (y viejos) productos y lecciones aprendidas. El informe incluye además una sección con perfiles de país, en la que se muestra el estado de aplicación de las seis medidas en cada uno de los 35 Estados Miembros de la Región.
Road safety is an issue that does not receive anywhere near the attention it deserves – and it really is one
of our great opportunities to save lives around the world
mhGAP is based on evidence-based technical guidelines (4) and provides a set of tools and
training packages to extend service provision. The mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG)
for MNS disorders in non-specialized health settings (8) is a clinical decision-making tool
for assessing and managing p...riority MNS conditions (depression, psychoses, epilepsy, child
and adolescent mental and behavioural disorders, dementia, disorders due to substance
use, self-harm and suicide).
Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and breast and colon cancer. It also helps to prevent hypertension, overweight and obesity and can improve mental health, quality of life
and well-being.
The guide is organized into the major types of toxicities, the associated symp-toms, possible offending medications, and the suggested nursing assessments and interventions. Some symptoms (e.g. nausea) may be associated with a num-ber of underlying causes and may be mild, or a symptom of... a more serious medical situation requiring urgent attention. The pathophysiology for medica-tion-related fatigue and hypersalivation are unclear and these symptoms are not grouped under a specific type of toxicity. Additional information (comments) are provided for each toxicity to highlight relevant clinical information that may assist in management of side effects. Medications more strongly associated with the side effect appear in bold text. The appendices include tools nurses can use to more thoroughly assess patient complaints of pain, depression and neuropathy.
Male and Female Respondents Interviewed Along the Central and the Eastern Mediterranean Routes in 2017
9,483 surveys conducted with migrants in Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in 2017
Copenhagen, Denmark, 24–25 August 2017
Strengthening supply chains to meet the growing demand for family planning will require systems diagnostics, supply chain redesign or adjustments, strategically located storage and distribution systems, adequate staffing and training, and better information about inventory and financing.
SIAPS Technical Report. This report summarizes key accomplishments and lessons learned in implementing SIAPS’ approach to improving IPC practices in four countries: South Africa, Namibia, Jordan, and Ethiopia. All activities address SIAPS’s overall objective to build or enhance national and faci...lity capacity to develop, implement, and monitor IPC programs by focusing on the principles of health systems strengthening.
An introduction to 90-90-90 in South Africa
The 65-page report names more than 15 commanders and officials from both the government Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the rebel SPLA-in Opposition and their allies who have used child soldiers. The report is based on interviews with 101 child soldiers who were either forcibly recruited... or joined forces to protect themselves and their communities. They said they lived for months without enough food, far away from family, and were thrown into terrifying gun battles in which they were injured and saw friends killed. Children also expressed deep regret that they had lost time they should have spent in school.