Les retours d’information de la communauté présentés dans le présent rapport ont été recueillis par le biais des personnes chargées de l’engagement communautaire et de la redevabilité (CEA) dans 10pays africains, et grâce à la collecte de données primaires.Il a été demandé aux pers...onnes chargées du CEA de la Société nationale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge de partager les principales rumeurs, observations, croyances, questions ou suggestions qu’ils entendent dans leur pays et de les classer par ordre de fréquence. Les chargés de mission du CEA ont fourni des informations de cette manière aux pays suivants: Afrique du Sud, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroun, Niger.
First published in 2020, this toolkit is intended for clinicians working in acute care, managing adult and paediatric patients with acute respiratory infection, including severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis and septic shock. The main objective is to provide key tools for us...e in the care of critically ill patients – from hospital entry to hospital discharge.
The 2022 updated version includes new tools and adapted algorithms, checklists, memory aids for COVID-19 and influenza, and the latest clinical evidence regarding clinical management of SARI. It is intended to help clinicians care for SARI patients: from epidemiology of severe acute respiratory infections, screening and triage, infection prevention and control, monitoring of patients, laboratory diagnosis, principles of oxygen therapy and different types of ventilation (invasive and non-invasive), as well as antimicrobial and immunomodulator therapies, to ethical and quality of care assessments.
The first edition is availbel in Ukrainian and Russian
Fornecer diretrizes de cuidados para profissionais da saúde expostos ao novo coronavírus (COVID-19) em estabelecimentos de saúde, e conduta na exposição ocupacional ao vírus. • Esta ferramenta irá ajudar a determinar o risco de infecção dos profissionais da saúde que foram expostos a um ...paciente com COVID-19 e orientar as decisões sobre as ações apropriadas. Além disso, oferece recomendações para a conduta adequada com esses profissionais da saúde, de acordo com o risco de infecção. Estas recomendações são preliminares e sujeitas à revisão, à medida que novas evidências estiverem disponíveis.
Este documento reúne orientações técnicas para agências governamentais, trabalhadores da saúde e outros públicos envolvidos, sobre como responder à disseminação comunitária. Este documento será atualizado à medida que novas informações forem disponibilizadas. Para os países em que es...sa resposta já esteja em preparação ou em andamento, este documento serve também como checklist para identificação de quaisquer pendências existentes.
Muitos países já demonstraram que a transmissão por COVID- 19 de uma pessoa para outra pode ser desacelerada ou interrompida. Essas ações salvaram vidas e deram ao restante do mundo mais tempo para se preparar para a chegada da COVID-19: prontidão dos sistemas de resposta a emergências; aumen...to da capacidade de detecção e assistência aos pacientes; garantia de espaço, insumos e equipes necessárias nos hospitais, e desenvolvimento de intervenções médicas que salvam vidas. Todos os países devem urgentemente tomar as medidas necessárias para desacelerar a disseminação e evitar que seus sistemas de saúde fiquem sobrecarregados, em função de pacientes gravemente doentes por COVID-19.
Este documento apresenta uma orientação provisória sobre a gestão do fornecimento de sangue em resposta à pandemia da doença causada pelo novo coronavírus (COVID-19). É dirigido a serviços de hemoterapia, autoridades nacionais de saúde, e outros responsáveis pelo fornecimento de sangue e ...hemoderivados e pela integração do sistema de bancos de sangue com o sistema de saúde pública. A OMS continuará atualizando este documento conforme forem disponibilizadas novas informações.
Cette note d'orientation développée par l'UNICEF est destinée à aider le personnel WASH dans sa préparation et sa réponse à la pandémie actuelle de COVID-19. Elle donne un aperçu de la prévention et du contrôle des infections (IPC) et de son intersection avec l'eau, l'assainissement et l'...hygiène (WASH), et explique comment le personnel peut contribuer à prévenir l'infection et sa propagation dans les écoles, que ce soit par contact entre humains ou avec des surfaces contaminées par le virus. Les services WASH, y compris la gestion des déchets et le nettoyage de l'environnement, sont tous importants pour la CIP. Ce dossier est disponible en anglais, espagnol et français ici.
The following Emergency Response Plan for the COVID-19 pandemic seeks to set out activities that will be undertaken by humanitarian actors in Ukraine over the course of 2020 to respond to the public health impact of the epidemic – as well as the indirect, socio-economic impact on people’s well-b...eing, which will span across many areas. Given the extensive public exposure of the COVID-19 threat, the response will cover the whole of Ukraine, while providing a distinct focus on Donetska and Luhanska oblasts that have been ravaged by an armed conflict for the last six consecutive years. The planned COVID-19 response in the two conflict-affected oblasts will be treated as an annex to the current Humanitarian Response Plan for Ukraine
Training Material - Power Point
Only 8,730 asylum applications were registered in the EU+ in April, the lowest since at least 2008, and a massive 87% decrease from pre-COVID-19 levels in January and February.
The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has released a special report which shows that the COVID-19 related travel restr...ictions and national health measures which were imposed during the past few months led to a dramatic cut in asylum applications in Europe.
This note provides a few ideas to a challenging problem of reaching survivors who cannot easily access phone-based GBV support. It is very much a living document given the evolving nature of the pandemic and may be adapted as more evidence, insights and lessons become available. It is intended to sp...ark conversation in the hope that additional contributions and innovations from others will result.
In response to COVID-19, countries around the world have implemented several public health and social measures (PHSM), such as movement restrictions, closure of schools and businesses, and international travel restrictions.1 As the local epidemiology of the disease changes, countries will adjust (i....e. loosen or reinstate) these measures according to the intensity of transmission.
Annex to Considerations in adjusting public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19. This guidance is intended for health care professionals, public health professionals and health authorities that are developing and implementing policies and sta...ndard operating procedures (SOP) on the cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19.
Immunizations are an essential health service that protect susceptible individuals from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD).2 By providing timely immunizations, individuals and communities remain protected and the likelihood of a VPD outbreak decreases
This publication is available in Arabic, Chines...e, English, French, Russian and Spanish
La vaccination est un service de santé essentiel qui protège les sujets sensibles contre les maladies à prévention vaccinale (MPV).2 La vaccination en temps voulu permet aux individus et aux communautés de rester protégés et diminue la probabilité d’une poussée épidémi...que de MPV.
This document has been developed for the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean to establish a regional plan of action to support the countries of the Region to rapidly accelerate the scaling up of their capacities for the prevention and early detection of, and ... rapid response to, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), as required under the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). The regional plan is aligned with the WHO global 2019 novel coronavirus strategic preparedness and response plan, but tailored to the regional context.
This guidance note identifies strategic action for policy-makers and managers at the national, subnational and facility level to address these different challenges.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, migrants and returnees constitute a sizeable population in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. There were 12 million refugees (half are Palestinians) and 13 million IDPs in the Region as of 2018. These populations are often vul...nerable to poor health due to the conditions they live in and limited access to needed quality health care. In addition, those who can access care, are often faced with financial hardship. There are also 46 million professionals and low-income labour migrants in the Region (of which 22 million are from the Region), with differential access to health services and varied health coverage schemes