v.1 (3 de abril de 2020)
Este guia de prática clínica fornece recomendações baseadas em evidências para o controle de infecção, coleta de amostras, cuidados de suporte, tratamento medicamentoso e prevenção de complicações. As recomendações são dirigidas a todos os profissionais de sa...de que atendem os pacientes no serviço de urgência/emergência e na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) (médicos com especialidade em medicina de urgência, pneumologia, medicina intensiva, clínica médica, anestesiologia, infectologia, fisioterapeutas respiratórios, enfermeiros e farmacêuticos). O guia deve ser usado por tomadores de decisão e membros de entidades governamentais relacionados com o tratamento de pacientes com COVID-19 em UTI na região das Américas. Este guia não incluirá aspectos relacionados com a nutrição, fisioterapia (exceto fisioterapia respiratória) e tratamento de complicações.
Pulmonary tuberculosis predictors and rapid molecular diagnosis
Preditores de tuberculose pulmonar e experiência com o diagnóstico molecular rápido
La pandemia de COVID-19 está afectando de manera desproporcionada a los pueblos indígenas, exacerbando las
desigualdades estructurales subyacentes y la discriminación generalizada. Estos graves efectos deben abordarse
específicamente en la respuesta y las implicaciones derivadas de esta crisis....
Five months after the beginning of the desert locust upsurge in the Greater Horn of Africa and Yemen, and four months since the launch of the response plan (24 January 2020) a total of USD 130 million have been mobilized in the region.
As described in the recently published Food and Agriculture Org...anization of the United Nations (FAO) quarterly report (January to April 2020), a lot has been achieved already, thanks to generous contributions from resource partners and affected governments.
But bringing a desert locust upsurge under control and mitigating its impact on livelihoods and food security requires a prolonged effort and numerous factors could influence the duration and magnitude of the problem, including the widespread presence of COVID-19.
Há três objetivos preliminares desse estudo de transmissão doméstica: 1. Para compreender melhor a extensão da transmissão doméstica estimando a taxa de infecção secundária1 para contatos domésticos em uma maneira individual, e fatores associados com qualquer variação no risco secundár...io da infecção. 2. Para caraterizar casos secundários incluindo a escala da apresentação clínica, fatores de risco para a infecção, a extensão e a fração de infecções assintomáticas. 3. Para caraterizar a resposta sorológica que segue a infecção confirmada pelo 2019-nCoV (altamente incentivado, mas opcional dependendo da capacidade e dos recursos do laboratório).
Strengthening of vaccination interventions during and post-Health Emergency by SARS-CoV-2
General Objective
To strengthen vaccination interventions in the territory, during the COVID-19 health emergency, in order to emergency due to COVID-19, in order to prevent the reintroduction and maintain co...ntrol of the Immunopreventable diseases.
For centuries, indigenous peoples around the world have used their traditional knowledge to prepare for, cope with and survive disasters. Their methods and practices originated within their communities and have been maintained and passed down over generations. Until recently, policy makers have larg...ely ignored this vast body of knowledge, in favor of ‘Western’ science and technologybased methods of disaster risk reduction and response. Today, however, many of these traditional practices are considered important and necessary contributions to the conservation of biodiversity and environmental sustainability. Yet at the same time, this knowledge is under constant threat of being eroded or lost, making these communities more vulnerable...
Manuel d’orientation
Recommandations concernant l’utilisation de méthodes
contraceptives par les femmes exposées à un risque
élevé d’infection par le VIH
BACKGROUND: Growing political attention to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) offers a rare opportunity for achieving meaningful action. Many governments have developed national AMR action plans, but most have not yet implemented policy interventions to reduce antimicrobial overuse. A systematic evidenc...e map can support governments in making evidence-informed decisions about implementing programs to reduce AMR, by identifying, describing, and assessing the full range of evaluated government policy options to reduce antimicrobial use in humans.
METHODS AND FINDINGS: Seven databases were searched from inception to January 28, 2019, (MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PAIS Index, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, and PubMed). We identified studies that (1) clearly described a government policy intervention aimed at reducing human antimicrobial use, and (2) applied a quantitative design to measure the impact. We found 69 unique evaluations of government policy interventions carried out across 4 of the 6 WHO regions. These evaluations included randomized controlled trials (n = 4), non-randomized controlled trials (n = 3), controlled before-and-after designs (n = 7), interrupted time series designs (n = 25), uncontrolled before-and-after designs (n = 18), descriptive designs (n = 10), and cohort designs (n = 2). From these we identified 17 unique policy options for governments to reduce the human use of antimicrobials. Many studies evaluated public awareness campaigns (n = 17) and antimicrobial guidelines (n = 13); however, others offered different policy options such as professional regulation, restricted reimbursement, pay for performance, and prescription requirements. Identifying these policies can inform the development of future policies and evaluations in different contexts and health systems. Limitations of our study include the possible omission of unpublished initiatives, and that policies not evaluated with respect to antimicrobial use have not been captured in this review.
CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first study to provide policy makers with synthesized evidence on specific government policy interventions addressing AMR. In the future, governments should ensure that AMR policy interventions are evaluated using rigorous study designs and that study results are published.
In recognition of the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), its increasing threat to human, animal and plant health, and the need for a One Health approach to address this issue, the 39th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) agreed it was important for the food safety comm...unity to play its part and re-established the ad hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance (TFAMR) ). The objectives of the Task Force were
to revise the current Codex Code of Practice to Minimise and Contain Antimicrobial Resistance and to develop new guidance on surveillance programmes relevant to foodborne AMR.
This scoping study done in Myanmar offers the chance for FoodSTART+ to explore prospects for future partnerships in another important country of the region. The study was done from October 2016 to February 2017 and included visits to selected major potato and cassava production areas to meet with re...spective stakeholders and market actors.
Although root and tuber crop (RTC) production in Myanmar has gradually increased since the late 1990s, they still lag behind the other major crops like rice. No RTCs are included in the country’s list of primary important crops even though potatoes are regularly consumed in daily meals while other common RTCs like cassava, elephant foot yam and sweetpotato are consumed occasionally. RTCs primarily contribute to food security and livelihoods through the income generated from their sale, whether fresh or processed, rather than directly through consumption.
El documento La carga de los trastornos mentales en la Región de las Américas, 2018 tiene como propósito mejorar la evaluación de las necesidades en materia de salud mental en la Región de las Américas al presentar un panorama actualizado y matizado de: a) la discapacidad debida a los trastorn...os mentales, por consumo de sustancias y trastornos neurológicos específicos, más la autoagresión (TMNS), tanto sola como en combinación con la mortalidad prematura; b) el desequilibrio entre el gasto en salud mental y la carga de enfermedad relacionada; y c) la asignación inadecuada de los exiguos gastos en salud mental por parte de los países de la Región
Un análisis desde la perspectiva del sector de la salud en América Latina y el Caribe
Washington, D.C., 2017
Las directrices actualizadas del mhGAP, la retroalimentación de
información y la evaluación de la versión 1.0 de la GI-mhGAP
por los usuarios han permitido la revisión y elaboración de esta
versión actualizada de la guía. En el año 2015, se llevó a cabo y
se publicó una actualización... completa de las directrices mhGAP
conforme a la metodología de la OMS para la formulación de
directrices, que incluyó el proceso de análisis de datos científicos
y la síntesis y formulación de recomendaciones mediante la
participación de un grupo de expertos internacionales e
instituciones con experiencia apropiada: médicos clínicos,
investigadores, directores de programa, formuladores de
políticas y usuarios de los servicios. Se pueden encontrar detalles
de los métodos y las recomendaciones actualizadas en el centro
de datos de investigación del mhGAP: http://www.who.int/
In case of resistance to rifampicin, fluoroquinolones become the preferred category of second-line drugs. Unfortunately, quinolone-resistant strains of Mycobacterium leprae have also been reported in several countries, probably due to the extensive use of quinolones for treating several types of inf...ections. Clofazimine resistance is still rare but this antimicrobial cannot be given alone