It will be updated continuously.
Details of COVID-19 availability in all ten ASEAN countries and another 30 Asian nations.
Due to the developing situation in China and Asia concerning the Coronavirus, we will be operating this article as a running live update service to keep businesses involved in... ASEAN and Asia updated with the latest relevant regional news.
Dieser 40-seitige Ratgeber richtet sich an geflüchtete und neuzugewanderte Männer und möchte helfen, die Orientierung in Deutschland bei Fragen zum Thema Gewalt zu erleichtern. Er möchte über die Schutz- und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten informieren, sowie über Möglichkeiten, gewalttätiges V...erhalten bei sich selbst oder anderen zu erkennen und zu verringern. Die Themen des Ratgebers sind:
Formen zwischenmenschlicher Gewalt und Folgen für Betroffene
Der Einfluss von Werten und Normen auf Gewalthandeln
Wandel in der Einstellung zu Gewalt
Rechtliche Grundlagen und Gesetze in Deutschland
Psychologische Ursachen für gewaltsames Verhalten
Wege aus der Gewalt
Der Ratgeber wurde im Rahmen des bundesweiten Projekts „MiMi-Gewaltprävention mit Migrantinnen für Migrantinnen” entwickelt.
Er steht in 15 Sprachen zum Download zur Verfügung.
The right to adequate housing, despite having been recognized by multiple international instruments, continues to be a human right that is consistently violated. Around 2O% of the world's population do not have adequate housing . In Latin America, informal settlements generally lack the conditions r...equired to live a decent life, and local and national public policies fail to radically transform this situation.
A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti at 8:30am local time at a depth of around 10km. The epicentre was recorded around 12km northeast of SaintLouis-du-Sud, about 125km west of the capital Port-au-Prince.
● In the aftermath of the devastating 7.2-magnitude earthquake that hit Hai...ti on 14 August, authorities report more than 2,200 people dead, at least 344 missing, over 12,000 injured and upwards of 130,000 homes damaged or destroyed.
Due to Nepal’s difficult geographic structure, rapid urbanization, varied groundwater level, and increasing population the country is prone to earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires, lightning, hailstone, drought, epidemic, and other disasters. These disasters cause a huge
loss of li...fe and property every year.
In normal circumstances, persons with disabilities are at a higher risk than others. Hence, they may be more vulnerable and affected in an event of a disaster. Especially those with severe disabilities, women, children, and senior citizens are more at risk during disasters persons with disabilities must be kept at the forefront for disaster mitigation and
preparedness to protect them from disaster risk
Lancet Infect Dis 2022;
22: 222–4
scientific brief, 2 March 2022