Research Article
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:91/1471-2334/14/91
Для создания этого отчета MSF исследовала программы и практику лечения лекарственно-чувствительного и лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза в восьмистранах с высо...ким бременем туберкулеза, обладающих различным набором эпидемиологических, экономических, географических и демографических характеристик (Бразилия, Зимбабве, Индия, Кения, Мьянма, Российская Федерация, Узбекистан, ЮАР). Мы исследовали ключевые показатели диагностики, лечения и доступности основных препаратов, поставок лекарственныхсредств и финансирования .
This Training Manual is developed based on the Child Protection Working Group Interagency Guidelines for Case Management. The Facilitator’s Guide provides guidance on the key steps to take before, during and after training, including customizing the training to different contexts and audiences.
The report offers an analysis of the broader challenges to securing humanitarian action and recommends areas for improvement. This study will contribute to improving the way humanitarians ‘do business’ in complex
security environments. Document also available in French, Arabic and Spanish.
February 2020Earth's Future 8(2):e2019EF001377.The water planetary boundary attempts to provide a global limit to anthropogenic water cycle modifications, but it has been challenging to translate and apply it to the regional and local scales at which water problems and management typically occur. We... develop a cross‐scale approach by which the water planetary boundary could guide sustainable water management and governance at subglobal contexts defined by physical features (e.g., watershed or aquifer), political borders (e.g., city, nation, or group of nations), or commercial entities (e.g., corporation, trade group, or financial institution).
The Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Implementation Framework 2018-2027 (KCSAIF) has been developed to provide a guide to various innovative and transformative initiatives and best practices that will strive to address challenges brought about by climate change. It is envisioned to ensure increased a...gricultural productivity and sustainably build resilience of the national agricultural systems.
The report covers: drivers of humanitarian crises in the region, particularly the intensification of violence in the DRC; manifestations of humanitarian needs, including record levels of displacement and food insecurity; and constraints to meeting humanitarian needs, including obstacles to humanitar...ian access and inadequate funding
Climate Smart Agriculture provides an excellent opportunity for the transformation by uniting agriculture, development and climate change under a common agenda through integrating the three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental) by jointly addressing food security... and climate challenge
Amoris laetitia: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on love in the family (19 March 2016)
The objective of this study is to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, sustainability, and impact of the tsunami response in Sri Lanka and Indonesia 10 years later. A cross cutting theme of this study is the assessment of whether communities are now better prepared to respond to and cope with disaster....
Three key lessons for the future of humanitarian response are highlighted:
Lesson 1: Participation is the cornerstone of humanitarian response and recovery;
Lesson 2: Partnership as a prerequisite for long-term change;
Lesson 3: Creating momentum for risk reduction.
Working with limited resources in armed conflict and other situations of violence. Vol.2
Во Всемирном докладе о наркотиках содержится комплексная информация по положению в области незаконных наркотиков. В нем представлены подробные оценки и тенденци..., относящиеся к производству, незаконному обороту и потреблению на рынках опиума/героина, коки/кокаина, каннабиса и стимуляторов амфетаминового ряда. Масштабы проблемы наркотиков удается ограничивать, но существуют признаки того, что стабилизация, достигнутая за последние несколько лет, может подвергаться риску. Среди этих признаков – расширение культивирования в 2007 году опийного мака и коки, некоторый прирост потребления в развивающихся странах и в определенной степени развитие новых схем незаконного оборота. Также отмечалось обнадеживающее сокращение некоторых из основных потребительских рынков.
Epidemiologisches Bulletin; 1. Dezember 2014 / Nr. 48
Nature Medicine,