This checklist of essential emergency equipment for resuscitation describes minimum requirements for emergency and essential surgical care at the first referral health facility
Primary Care: The Community Health System
High Transmission Areas: Key Populations
This handbook was designed primarily as a tool for district clinical specialist teams (DCSTs), and for the provincial specialists who will guide and support their work. This handbook will also be useful to managers of health facilities, heads of clinical units and nurses, doctors and allied health w...orkers at the coalface of clinical care. This handbook will be of interest to district managers and other members of the district management team who are dedicated to developing the capacity of the district health system to respond
effectively to the health needs of the population they serve. It will help them understand the role of the DCSTs and the type of
activities they need to engage in to improve the quality of care
Women and girls with mental and intellectual disabilities were perceived to be most at risk of sexual violence, and family and service providers may only become aware of sexual violence against them when they become pregnant.
Discrimination by GBV service providers, family and community members was... the most common barrier to access. Inadequate transportation and inappropriate communication approaches were also common impediments.
On this website you can download the report in different languages,
Lancet Glob Health 2015; 385: e387–95. Open Access
2nd edition. A Guide to Managing Medicines for All Health Workers. Available for purchase via following link
Where there are no trained pharmacists serving communities, other categories of health workers are called upon to order, buy, store, dispense and ad...vise people on rational use of medicines. Where There Are No Pharmacists explains how to order them, store them, prepare them, dispense them and use them safely and effectively - it is about managing medicines. Information to help communities benefit from the use of medicines is also included.
This book walks readers through each step, covering topics ranging from policy issues to patient education. It provides guidance for anyone who is doing the work of a pharmacist; anyone who sells, dispenses, prepares, manages, or explains to others how to use medicines.
Challenges in achieving the MDG for maternal mortality. In-depth analysis of the EDHS 2000-2011
What are the common health problems of refugees and migrants arriving in the European Region?