To Initiating a Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Project in Urban Slums with Social Mapping, Census Taking, and Community Engagement
Thousands of HIV-positive Venezuelans have been forced to leave the country, after facing discrimination and zero treatment options, according to UNAIDS.
Patients once received free ARV treatment under Venezuela’s National AIDS Program. In 2017, the country essentially ran out of ARVs—about 9 p...eople a day died from HIV-related illnesses that year.
“Today, HIV patients in Venezuela have three options: go untreated, buy the medication abroad or on the black market for large sums, or leave the country,” writes Gabriela Mesones Rojo.
The exodus of untreated Venezuelans could shift the course of the epidemic throughout the region.
En el presente estudio, la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos establece las normas sobre la igualdad y la no discriminación de las personas con discapacidad de acuerdo con el artículo 5 de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad.... Su objetivo es proporcionar orientación para la aplicación del artículo 5 de la Convención, identificar buenas prácticas y formular recomendaciones.
Country Profile for MDSR Implementation
Ce document est consolidé par OCHA pour le compte de l’Équipe humanitaire pays et des partenaires humanitaires. Il présente une compréhension commune de la crise, notamment les besoins humanitaires les plus pressants et le nombre estimé de personnes ayant besoin d’assistance. Il constitue base factuelle aidant à informer la planification stratégique conjointe de la réponse.
Les désignations employées et la présentation des éléments dans le présent rapport ne signifient pas l’expression de quelque opinion que ce soit de la part du Secrétariat des Nations unies concernant le statut juridique d’un pays, d’un territoire, d’une ville ou d’une zone ou de leurs autorités ou concernant la délimitation de ses frontières ou de ses limites.
According to the Report, cascading and interlinked crises are putting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in grave danger, along with humanity’s very own survival. The Report highlights the severity and magnitude of the challenges before us. The confluence of crises, dominated by COVID-19,... climate change, and conflicts, are creating spin-off impacts on food and nutrition, health, education, the environment, and peace and security, and affecting all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Report details the reversal of years of progress in eradicating poverty and hunger, improving health and education, providing basic services, and much more. It also points out areas that need urgent action in order to rescue the SDGs and deliver meaningful progress for people and the planet by 2030.
After eight years of armed conflict in the east of the country, the Russian Federation started a military offensive in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. The impact of this war has been devastating. It has so far caused 16,200 civilian casualties and destroyed key infrastructure, such as hospitals, school...s, homes, and water installations.
Since the beginning of the conflict, nearly 14 million people - a third of all Ukrainians - have been forced to leave their homes, 90% of them women, children, and elderly people. An estimated 6.2 million people are displaced within Ukraine, while more than 7 million sought safety in Poland, Romania and Moldova or passed through to other destinations in Europe. Some have returned to Ukraine. Another 13 million people are estimated to be stranded in or unable to leave affected areas within the country.