The 2019 SLDHS is a national sample survey that provides up-to-date information on demographic and health indicators. The sample was selected using a stratified, two-stage cluster design, with enumeration areas (EAs) as the sampling units for the first stage. The second stage was a complete listing ...of households carried out in each of the 578 selected EAs. The target groups were women age 15-49 and men age 15-59 in
randomly selected households across the country. A representative sample of approximately 13,872 households was selected for the survey. Half of the households (6,936) were selected for biomarker and men’s interview. The men’s survey was conducted in half (50%) of the sample households, and all men age 15-59 in these households were included. In this subsample, one eligible woman in each household was randomly selected to be asked additional questions about domestic violence.
This policy brief explores the impact of air pollution on health and address the air quality issue in the response to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). It also provides key actions that policy makers, NGOs and health professionals can take to ensure that every one can breathe clean air.
Time has seen management for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) advance drastically, most recently in the development of the disease-modifying triple combination therapy ivacaftor/tezacaftor/elexacaftor. There is currently limited evidence regarding both the global epidemiology of CF and access to this transforma...tive therapy - and therefore where needs are not being met. Therefore, this study aims to define gaps in access to CF treatment. The results show that a significant CF patient burden exists in countries where disease-modifying drugs are unavailable, and final figures are likely underestimates. This analysis shows the potential to improve rates of diagnosis and treatment for CF, so a higher percentage of patients receive the most effective triple combination treatment.
Standard Treatment Guideline
Further analysis of the 1996, 2001, and 2006 Demographic and Health Surveys Data
Manual Logistical Management of Humanitarian Supply
The flood of relief supplies that arrive in the aftermath of large-scale disasters often poses serious logistic and management problems for national authorities. SUMA is a tool for the management of humanitarian relief supplies, from the time pled...ges are made by donors, to their entry into the disaster area and their storage and distribution.
with special reference to prevention and control of avian influenza
DHS Working Papers No. 82
Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2011;69(2-B):342-348
Neurology Asia 2006; 11 : 1 – 4
Review article