This revised trainer's guide contains a prototype training schedule for four days. Teaching and learning strategies are highly interactive, using participatory and experiential approach. Training outcomes include developing skills in assessment of clients for risk factors; conduct basic screening pr...ocedures and interpreting the results; holding health education sessions on risk factor modification; promoting healthy lifestyle; and mobilizing communities. The manual is divided into six modules.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents occurs as a result of a child’s exposure to one or more traumatic events: actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence. The victim may experience the event, witness it, learn about it from close family members or fr...iends, or experience repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the event. Potentially traumatic events include physical or sexual assaults, natural disasters, and accidents.
This manual has been developed to guide rapid risk assessment of acute public health risks from any type of hazard in response to requests from Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO). The manual is aimed primarily at national departments with health-protection responsibilities, Nationa...l Focal Points (NFPs) for the International Heath Regulations (IHR) and WHO staff. It should also be useful to others who join multidisciplinary risk assessment teams, such as clinicians, field epidemiologists, veterinarians, chemists, food-safety specialists.
Guidelines for State Health Society and District Health Society
The guidebook can be used by any care giver who comes in contact with children on a daily basis and who have the primary or secondary responsibility of taking care of the children. Parents, teachers, anganwadi workers, child care institutions, hospitals can use this guidebook to help a child who is need of care and protection. This guidebook can also be used by those who meet a child by accident who is in need of protection immediately. They can follow the steps mentioned in the guidebook that can be followed to help the child in need. Paragraph about the child protection systems with an objective of creating a safe and safe environment of children, the state has established systems at center and district level which one can go to for providing protection of children. These systems contains various bodies, units, schemes and law which create a safety net for children.
Cholera is a diarrhoeal disease that is usually contracted when drinking water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The fight against this disease requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines a water, hygiene and sanitation (WaSH) response with a monitoring system, improved water suppl...y and quality, sanitation and hygiene, and a health response with the treatment of the disease itself.
Application for Program Design in the Europe and Eurasia Region
Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments Specialized Booklet 3
Background paper for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development
Education for respect and understanding – inclusion and equity
This report presents data and outlines best practices and policies that can put governments on the path to providing every child with the best start in life. It outlines the neuroscience of early childhood development (ECD), including the importance of nutrition, protection and stimulation in the ea...rly years. And it makes the case for scaling up investment, evaluation and monitoring in ECD programmes. The report concludes with a six-point call to action for governments and their partners to help maximize the potential of the children who will build the future – by making the most of the unparalleled opportunities offered by the early moments in life.