Please find all relevant guidelines and information in our new Pharmacy Toolbox.
The PHARMACY TOOLBOX is a comprehensive knowledge repository to provide its users with practical, up-to-date information on medicines and good pharmaceutical practices. It collates basic documents on (essential) medici...nes, guidelines, rational use, access, and good quality of medicines. All health workers who prescribe, handle or dispense medicines find an electronic key pharmacy knowledge hub.
This course is intended to provide basic information for front-line health workers to be able to implement the recommended control measures to minimize the negative impact of Buruli ulcer on populations.
This manual is designed to provide specific information for trachomatous trichiasis (TT) trainers who are training others to undertake surgery for entropion trachomatous trichiasis (TT). Other approaches are not addressed. The manual is divided into two parts. The first part covers specifics designe...d for training TT surgeon candidates, and serves as a resource document. The trainer can elect to have trainees read the material directly, use this manual as a guide for creating a training presentation, or use it in other ways to assist in the training. The manual contains both knowledge that should be imparted during training and a description of the skills that need to be developed and assessed during practice and surgery sessions. The second part is designed only for the trainers of the surgeon trainees and covers selection and final assessment of the trainees.
This brochure contains the most relevant information on the Zero Maternal Deaths from Haemorrhage initiative, promoted by CLAP/PAHO.
This toolkit was developed to provide detailed information and resources to support implementation of the WHO intrapartum and immediate postnatal care recommendations at the health-care facility level. The careful design of this toolkit is based on a rigorous evidence-based approach that includes im...plementation strategies of proven effectiveness to help close the gap between WHO’s care recommendations and current policies and practices.
The primary target audience for the toolkit includes policy-makers, health-care facility managers, implementers and managers of maternal and child health programmes, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and professional societies involved in the planning and management of maternal and child health services.
Rapport technique
Le présent manuel vise à fournir des informations concernant les méthodes d’enquête sur les épidémies d’hépatite E, et les mesures de prévention et de contrôle appropriées. De plus, le manuel fournit des informations relatives à l’agent responsable – appelé... le Virus de l’hépatite E (VHE) – son épidémiologie, les manifestations cliniques de la maladie et le diagnostic.
Le CNRS se mobilise pour vous donner des informations scientifiques fiables sur la pandémie du coronavirus COVID-19
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of essential information related to immunization, including technical information about vaccines, a review of immunization program management best practices, guidance on the delivery of immunization services, monitoring and evaluation, disease surveillanc...e, and the role of behavior change.
This guide provides national stakeholders and advocates with information and guidance to update the national essential medicines list to include a new commodity, a new indication, or a new formulation based on the available evidence and based on country need and disease burden. While the actors, tim...eline, and process may vary from country to country, this guide presents the broad steps involved in revising an EML for any health commodity. Additional resources and a glossary are included to provide supplemental information and to clarify key terms.
The COVID-19 vaccine tracker and landscape compiles detailed information of each COVID-19 vaccine candidate in development by closely monitoring their progress through the pipeline.
The COVID-19 vaccine tracker:
Provides summary tables of COVID-19 vaccine candidates in both clinical and pre-...clinical development;
Provides analysis and visualization for several COVID-19 vaccine candidate categories;
Tracks the progress of each vaccine from pre-clinical, Phase 1, Phase 2 through to Phase 3 efficacy studies and including Phase 4 registered as interventional studies;
Provides links to published reports on safety, immunogenicity and efficacy data of the vaccine candidates;
Includes information on key attributes of each vaccine candidate and
Allows users to search for COVID-19 vaccines through various criteria such as vaccine platform, schedule of vaccination, route of administration, developer, trial phase and clinical endpoints.
The database is updated regularly - twice a week (Tuesday and Friday, 17:00 CET).
The purpose of this field guide is to provide comprehensive information on planning and implementing high-quality3 SIAs for injectable vaccines and highlight the opportunities to strengthen RI and surveillance. The guide uses measles–rubella SIAs as the main example throughout, but the informatio...n provided aims to be applicable to SIAs delivering any injectable vaccine. It can serve as a reference for the preparation of regional/national SIA field guides and materials.
The Community Health Systems (CHS) Catalog is a resource that provides information on community health program workers, and interventions for the 25 countries deemed priority by USAID’s Of of Population and Reproductive Health. It comprises a compilation of 25 country profiles developed from a review of community health policies, strategies, a related documentation.
This document summarizes country trends drawn from the CHS Catalog and highlights interesting and relevant findings
about the global community health policy landscape.
The APCA Atlas provides the most up-to-date information of palliative care development in nearly all countries in Africa, using indicators derived, rated, and chosen by in-country African experts followed by a thorough Delphi consensus process with a panel of international experts on palliative care... indicators
Informationen für akut betroffene Erwachsene und deren Angehörige
Die 22-seitige Informationsbroschüre ist als Hilfe zur Bewältigung des Alltags nach einem traumatischen Ereignis gedacht, um sich in der neuen, plötzlich eingetretenen Ausnahmesituation besser zurecht zu finden. Auch soll sie ...Außenstehenden, z. B. Angehörigen helfen, ein besseres Verständnis für ihr Gegenüber aufzubringen. Die Broschüre entstand aufgrund konkreter Nachfragen erwachsener Betroffener und deren Angehöriger.
Reliable cause specic mortality statistics are the cornerstone of national health information
systems. They are essential for evidence-based decision making for monitoring health of
populations, health services planning and delivery, programme implementation, policy development
and epidemiolog...ical research.